
送交者: 午夜剑客 [♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2025-03-22 1:46 已读 2374 次 1赞 大字阅读 繁體閱讀

舞 : 冰冰, 青花瓷, 亚南, 马老师

《草原情》 Grassland Sentimental

词 : 石幼明 (Lyrics : Shi Youming) 曲 : 刘亦敏 (Music : Liu Yimin) 唱 : 云飞 (Singer : YunFei) 谱 : •https://ktvc8.com/mobile/753801_1.html

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.)

•——[ Stanza 1 ] (Int. Rhyme : aa aa aa bb)——•

落叶飞 , 秋草黄 , 马蹄声声响 Leaves flying, grass wilting, horse hooves clattering ;

雨在飘 , 秋风凉 , 鸟儿在歌唱 Rain falling, wind chilling, but birds are singing.

大雁向南飞 , 频频回头望 Wild geese south-heading, but keep back-looking ;

辽阔的草原 是美丽的家乡 The vast grassland is my beautiful homeland.

•————[ Stanzas 2, 4 ] (Rhyme : aabb)————•

雪在飞 , 白茫茫 , 牧人轻轻唱 Snow drifting, white-washing, herdsmen are humming ;

牛羊肥 , 马儿壮 , 篝火向太阳 Herds are plump, horses strong, bonfires sky-blazing.

南飞的大雁 你要去何方? South-bounding wild geese, where's your destination?

银色的草原 是温暖的天堂 A silvery grassland is a warm heaven.

•———————[ Stanzas 3, 5, 6 ]————————•             (Int. Rhyme : aa bb aa aa)

阿爸的琴声响 , 阿妈的歌声亮 Ah Pa's Khuur* echoes, Ah Ma's song mellow ;

我迷恋着草原 , 思念着故乡 In love with the grassland, I miss my homeland.

阿爸的琴声响 , 阿妈的歌声亮 Ah Pa's Khuur echoes, Ah Ma's song mellow ;

离家千万里 , 乡情永难忘 Thousands of miles from home, nostalgia ever grows.

[ 6 ] 乡情永难忘 Nostalgia ever grows. . . . Translated by ck 2020-11-20 •===================================•

* Khuur , i.e. the Morin Khuur, also known as the "horsehead fiddle", is a traditional Mongolian musical instrument. •https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morin_khuur

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated lyrics. 


•—————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————•

落叶飞 ,- 秋草黄 ,- 马蹄声声响 (11) Leaves flying, - grass wilting, - horse hooves clattering ; (11)

雨在飘 ,- 秋风凉 ,- 鸟儿在歌唱 (11) Rain falling, - wind chilling, - but birds are singing. (11)

大雁向南飞 ,- 频频回头望 (10) Wild geese south-heading, - but keep back-looking ; (10)

辽阔 - 的草原 - 是美丽的 - 家乡 (11) The vast - grassland is - my beautiful - homeland. (11)

•————————[ Stanzas 2, 4 ]————————•

雪在飞 ,- 白茫茫 ,- 牧人轻轻唱 (11) Snow drifting, - white-washing, - herdsmen are humming ; (11)

牛羊肥 ,- 马儿壮 ,- 篝火向太阳 (11) Herds are plump, - horses strong, - bonfires sky-blazing. (11)

南飞的大雁 ,- 你要 - 去何方? (10) South-bounding wild geese, - where's your - destination? (11)

银色的 - 草原 - 是温暖的 - 天堂 (11) A silvery - grassland - is a warm - heaven. (11)

•———————[ Stanzas 3, 5, 6 ]————————•

阿爸的 - 琴声响 ,- 阿妈的 - 歌声亮 (12) Ah Pa's - Khuur echoes, - Ah Ma's - song mellow ; (10)

我迷恋 - 着草原 , - 思念着故乡 (11) In love with - the grassland, - I miss my homeland. (11)

阿爸的 - 琴声响 ,- 阿妈的 - 歌声亮 (12) Ah Pa's - Khuur echoes, - Ah Ma's - song mellow ; (10)

离家 - 千万里 ,- 乡情 - 永难忘 (10) Thousands of - miles from home, - nostalgia - ever grows. (12)

[ 6 ] 乡情 - 永难忘 (5) Nostalgia - ever grows. (6)


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