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Love Song of Tibet 6park.com

词 : 曹中新 (Lyrics : Cao Zhongxin) 曲 : 宁东虎 (Music : Ning Donghu) 唱 : 卓玛旺姆 (Singer : Zhuoma Wangmu) 谱 : •https://www.ktvc8.com/mobile/407058_1.html 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•——————[ Stanza 1 : Prelude ]——————• 6park.com

呀拉索... 呀拉索... Ya La So¹... Ya La So... 6park.com

呀拉索 , 呀拉索 , 呀拉索 , 呀拉索... Ya La So, Ya La So, Ya La So, Ya La So... 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 2 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————• 6park.com

神奇的西藏 屹立在东方 Marvelous Tibet stands tall in the East, 6park.com

神奇的西藏 , 美丽的风光 Breathtaking Tibet, a scenic beauty. 6park.com

布达拉宫 的雄伟辉煌 Potala Palace² so magnificent, 6park.com

带给人们幸福吉祥 , 令人神往 It brings joy and auspiciousness, and makes you yearn. 6park.com

•————[ Stanzas 3, 5 ] (Rhyme : aabb)————• 6park.com

神奇的西藏 , 梦中的天堂 Heavenly Tibet, dreamy paradise, 6park.com

美丽的姑娘 像格桑花一样 Innocent maiden, Gesang³ flower she's like. 6park.com

辽阔的牧场 撒满了姑娘的芬芳 Expanse of pasture's sprayed with the maiden's fragrances, 6park.com

不论你走到哪里 , 都有她的清香 Wherever you go, you could smell the fresh scents of her. 6park.com

•——[ Interlude • Stanza 4 ] (Rhyme : aabb)——• 6park.com

神奇的西藏 , 圣洁的地方 Divinely Tibet, a place so holly, 6park.com

神奇的西藏 , 美丽的姑娘 Enchanting Tibet, maidens so lovely. 6park.com

美丽的歌声 在雪山飘荡 Angelic songs fly among snow mountains, 6park.com

带给人们无限遐想 , 令人神往 They stir your imagination, and make you yearn. 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 6 ] (Rhyme : abcccdb)————• 6park.com

啊... 啊... Ah... Ah... 6park.com

载满着甜蜜的梦想 Loaded with sweet dream and love, 6park.com

我张开了爱的翅膀 I spread my wings, take to the sky. 6park.com

沐浴着春天的阳光 Basking in the warm spring sunshine, 6park.com

飞向姑娘美丽的故乡 To the maiden's charming hometown I fly. 6park.com

呀拉索... 呀拉索... Ya La So... Ya La So... 6park.com

我情系西藏.. 情系西藏 To Tibet my love.. Tibet my love. . . . Translated by ck 2024-11-20 •===================================• Notes : 6park.com

1. Ya La So : Tibetan linguistic modal particles, like “oh, ah, yeah” etc, a kind of interjection used in speech to convey extra emphasis or emotion, without any real grammatical function. 6park.com

2. Potala Palace : a dzong fortress in the city of Lhasa, in Tibet. It was the winter palace of the Dalai Lamas from 1649 to 1959, and has been a museum since then. It is considered one of the holiest buildings in Tibetan Buddhism, and designated a World Heritage Site in 1994. 6park.com

3. Gesang flower : also known as Persian daisy, is a highland daisy ubiquitous in Tibet, symbolizing happiness, love, and purity. “Gesang” in Tibetan means happiness. •http://www.china.org.cn/travel/2011-10/26/content_23727620.htm —————————————————————— 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•——————[ Stanza 1 : Prelude ]——————• 6park.com

呀拉索... 呀拉索... Ya La So... Ya La So... 6park.com

呀拉索 , 呀拉索 , 呀拉索 , 呀拉索... Ya La So, Ya La So, Ya La So, Ya La So... 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 2 ]—————————• 6park.com

神奇的西藏 - 屹立在东方 (10) Marvelous Tibet - stands tall in the East, (10) 6park.com

神奇的西藏 ,- 美丽的风光 (10) Breathtaking Tibet, - a scenic beauty. (10) 6park.com

布达 - 拉宫的 - 雄伟辉煌 (9) Potala - Palace so - magnificent, (10) 6park.com

带给人们 - 幸福吉祥 ,- 令人神往 (12) It brings joy and - auspiciousness, - and makes you yearn. (12) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanzas 3, 5 ]————————• 6park.com

神奇的西藏 ,- 梦中的 - 天堂 (10) Heavenly Tibet, - dreamy - paradise, (10) 6park.com

美丽的姑娘 - 像格桑花 - 一样 (11) Innocent maiden, - Gesang flower - she's like. (11) 6park.com

辽阔的牧场 - 撒满了 - 姑娘的 - 芬芳 (13) Expanse of pasture's - sprayed with the - maiden's - fragrances, (13) 6park.com

不论你 - 走到哪里 ,- 都有她的 - 清香 (13) Wherever - you go, you could - smell the fresh scents - of her. (13) 6park.com

•——————[ Interlude • Stanza 4 ]——————• 6park.com

神奇的西藏 ,- 圣洁的地方 (10) Divinely Tibet, - a place so holly, (10) 6park.com

神奇的西藏 ,- 美丽的姑娘 (10) Enchanting Tibet, - maidens so lovely. (10) 6park.com

美丽的 - 歌声在 - 雪山飘荡 (10) Angelic - songs fly a - mong snow mountains, (10) 6park.com

带给人们 - 无限遐想 ,- 令人神往 (12) They stir your im - agination, - and make you yearn. (12) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 6 ]—————————• 6park.com

啊... 啊... Ah... Ah... 6park.com

载满着 - 甜蜜的 - 梦想 (8) Loaded with - sweet dream - and love, (7) 6park.com

我张开了 - 爱的翅膀 (8) I spread my wings, - take to the sky. (8) 6park.com

沐浴着 - 春天 - 的阳光 (8) Basking in - the warm - spring sunshine, (8) 6park.com

飞向姑娘 - 美丽的 - 故乡 (9) To the maiden's - charming - hometown I fly. (10) 6park.com

呀拉索... 呀拉索... Ya La So... Ya La So... 6park.com

我情系西藏..- 情系西藏 (9) To Tibet my love.. Tibet my love. (9) 6park.com

贴主:午夜剑客于2024_11_23 21:10:04编辑

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