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送交者: 胜利大逃亡[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2022-02-09 15:46 已读 1290 次  


Weijian Shan, the Chairman, and CEO of Pacific Alliance Group (PAG), Is Communist China’s High- ranking Spy & Money-laundering Criminal

Posted February 8, 2022 by astralsoul 6park.com

Hundreds of Chinese Americans concurrently write to the FBI exposing Mr. Weijian Shan, the Chairman, and CEO of Pacific Alliance Group (PAG), a top-ranking spy of Communist China and a money-laundering criminal.
February 8, 2022 - (USA): In celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday in America,
hundreds of overseas Chinese express severe concerns about their reputation and safety.
Communist China’s disregard of global leadership norms has given rise to stigma, discrimination,
and even hate crimes against various communities in the Chinese-speaking world. With the
number of CCP spies increasing in America, the hate feelings and racism against the Chinese-
speaking people would become the new phenomenon. 6park.com

Communist China sent an increasing number of spies to America for espionage activities after
2009 due to the CCP’s ruthless hunger for economic superiority and political influence. At the FBI,

we open a new counterintelligence case against Communist China about twice a day. No other country in the world presents a broader threat to our ideas, our innovation, and our economic security than Communist China,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said during a keynote address at Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley California. 6park.com

After the Lunar New Year, hundreds of Chinese Americans concurrently write to the FBI exposing Mr. Weijian Shan, the Chairman, and CEO of Pacific Alliance Group (PAG), a top-ranking spy of Communist China. More and more overseas Chinese want to speak out the truth that Chinese people do not equal to the Chinese Communist Party. Weijian Shan, the CCP’s top spy, cannot represent millions of freedom-loving Chinese people living in America. 6park.com

The courageous Chinese Americans urge the FBI to investigate Weijian Shan and his son, Bo Shan, for their committed economic espionage, intellectual property theft, financial fraud, immigration fraud, and money laundering activities. Weijian Shan should be held accountable for stealing money from the American pension fund and infiltrating America through CCP’s 1000 talents plan.
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