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第20帖:My 2 Cents on Trump Impeachment Proceedings
送交者: 一江小鱼[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2019-11-18 9:51 已读 1779 次 7 赞  


昨晚草庐兄说大老爷们都喜欢聊几句政治。为了表示我是个纯爷们,我也聊一点吧。 最近美国政坛最大的事是川普的弹劾听证会,我就不懂装懂聊几句吧。 早上有个很无聊的会,我刚好可以写点。因为担心别人看见我在写中文,所以用英文假装在写Email, 没有想装逼的意思。

但还是要声明一下,这一篇的每一个字都是我自己写的,没有一句话是copy别人文章的,所以本文仅代表我的个人观点。原本想翻译成中文, 但发现很多文字翻译后失去原味,要想翻译好,很花时间,所以干脆放弃。如果哪位大神有兴趣翻译,请试试。不过我估计没有几个人会有耐心认真看。



My 2 Cents on Trump Impeachment Proceedings

Today is Monday, November 18. The House set to begin week 2 of Trump impeachment inquiry hearings.

Nowadays, it is hard to talk politics without someone’s feeling getting hurt. And this is certainly a touchy subject. Talking about Trump impeachment will definitely provoke a lot anger and frustration.

Although the First Amendment guarantees every citizen the freedom of speech, we rarely speak freely. To be politically correct, we rarely talk about politics in office, with friends, sometimes even among family members. To a lesser degree, I feel this is an American version of China’s Cultural Revolution where a lot people afraid of speaking their mind publicly and privately.

I am a registered Democrat turn Independent. I liked Obama as a person but was never a fan of his policies, as he had dragged the Democrat Party further left and divided instead united the country. On the other hand, Trump is really a despicable character. The way he spins the truth, often uses “alternative facts” to justify his lies, really make me sick to my stomach.

However, I have to say that I really agree with a lot of his policies, especially his stand on immigrant issues.

As a son of immigrants, I have witnessed first-hand how my family went through a lengthy process to get visas, obtain green cards and eventually became citizens. I don’t understand how Democrat can openly allow someone illegally cross the border and enter the country, give birth to many kids and claim public benefits without any sort of punishment. How would you feel if you are waiting in a long, long line to get on a bus only to see someone sneaks in from rear door and take your seat? I have no doubt some of these illegal immigrants are hardworking good people, they pay taxes and contribute to society. Trust me, I sympathize with their predicaments. But the bottom line is, they broke the law hence they are criminals. Imaging someone entered your house uninvited, gave you $5 then ate your food, slept on your couch, his kids competed with yours for toys and space, just because he said he has no place to go. Will you tolerate that? HELL NO!

I like Republican’s stand on Immigration, education and fiscal discipline. I like Democrat’s stand on gun control, global warming and abortion rights. Economy remains strong, at least in near term. So neither Republican nor Democrat can make much improvements to the already strong economy. Healthcare is the top concern for most Americans, but neither of them will be able to overcome hurdles set by the interest groups and provide meaningful solutions. In the end, it is hard to pick one that you completely agree or disagree, that’s why I consider myself an Independent and still on the fence on whom I’ll vote in the next election.

Back to the subject of impeachment, I have no doubt that Trump had committed an impeachable offense, regardless how many BS his staff members, white house officials and his Republican allies try to come up. To me, the defenses they came up with so far are laughable. One of the defense strategies is to claim that the military aids withheld from Ukraine government have since been released. That is a really lame excuse simply because that’s done only because the whistleblower brought the whole episode to daylight. And just like an attempt murder is a crime, unsuccessful bribery, extortion and inviting foreign government to election meddling are certainly abuse of power.

However, Trump has many die-hard supporters who really like his policies and choose to ignore his misconducts/crimes as the President of the United States of America. He has since hijacked the Republican congress because many Republicans in both houses are afraid of losing their seats if they stand up against Trump. So my prediction is the House will approve the article of Impeachment (only simple majority needed) but the whole thing will die on Senator floor (2/3 majority required to convict), largely along the party line.

I am not saying Democrat is in it for nothing. Politics has always been a dirty business, so has everyone involved. The Democrat party has largely given away this country in exchange for votes with their immigration policy. They try to use the impeachment proceedings as a major weapon to lure the Independents, to get elected, to occupy the White House in 2020. When they claim they are doing this for American people, well, they are not. They are in it mostly for themselves, for power gripping and personal fulfillments.

In a sense, Trump is still a businessman and will always think and act like a businessman. There is an old Chinese saying: “无商不奸”, roughly translate to “no businessman is honest”. That is exactly who he is. Trump doesn’t and will never hold him to the high standard of being the No.1 public servant in the country. He always places his interest ahead of the People and the Nation. He has had great success in the business world by harassing his opponents into accepting deals that benefit himself. And he is employing the same tactics in the political world. No matter how wrong he is, he will never admit his mistakes or back down. Once the Ukraine phone call scandal dies down, there will be another episode of “Trump Madness” in the making.

Well, history is watching, so are we.


夏天的时候去参加了一次小型音乐会,发现前面赫然坐着Trump,就撺掇小女儿坐到他身边的椅子照一张相片,以资留念。哈哈哈。 6park.com

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