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送交者: 王文清41[♂☆★★鄙视五毛狗★★☆♂] 于 2018-11-18 15:22 已读 1662 次 4 赞  


有篇烂文《全面解析所谓“四大发明”神话的谎言》,说什么中国四大发明都是假的,不过英国大英博物馆学者Jack Challoner 写了本书《1001个改变世界的发明》(1001 inventions that changed the world),统计了中国的32项发明。这些发明是: 6park.com

钟,墨水,伞,浮桥,接种,风筝,弩,磁罗盘,高炉,马镫,马鞍,铧式犁,风车,吊桥,纸,手推车,抛石机,马项圈,厕纸,火药,纸币,雕版印刷,火箭,运河闸,活字印刷术,塔钟,链条传动,大炮,烟花,地雷,火枪,牙刷。 四大发明全部在列。最后一项发明牙刷据说是明朝皇帝朱佑樘所创,美国勒梅尔森-麻省理工发明指数把牙刷的发明列为美国人生活必不可少的发明第一位,超过汽车计算机手机和微波炉。有文科傻B说,火药分为黑火药和黄火药两大系统,现代黄火药跟宋朝发明的黑火药不是一回事就否定火药不是中国发明的,其实蠢货们不懂的是火药不止两种,有三十多种呢,可是最先发现使用的是中国火药。中国火药开始也不黑,比如唐元和三年(808年)炼丹家清虚撰的《太上圣祖金丹秘诀》记载了“伏火矾法”:以硫黄二两硝石二两,马兜铃三两半,研末,拌匀。方中没木炭,不是黑色的,看起来其实是黄色。傻B说没木炭就不能爆炸,还列出一个化学方程: 6park.com

4KNO(3)+S(2)+6C=2K(2)S+2N(2)+6CO(2) 6park.com

马兜铃虽不是木炭,但是一种植物,植物的主要成分是碳水化合物(C6(H2O)6)).所以在点火后会发生如下反应: 4KNO3 + 2S + C6(H2O)6 =2K2S + 2N2+ 6CO2 + 6H2O 6park.com



此火药方含硝石,硫黄,含碳物的比例为50%:25%:25%。在金人统治下的西安附近曾出土了火药石,据研究含硝量为60%,比北宋《武经总要》要高。已经非常接近现代黑火药配方。这些东西的特点是内部同时有氧化剂(硝石)和还原剂(含碳硫化合物),反应后会放出大量高温高压气体,在闭封容器里引发爆炸。此后发现的什么黄色炸药等都脱离不了这个范畴,不过是中国黑火药的后续发明而已。比如你跟你爹长得有点不一样,你就可以不认爹了么? 6park.com


The first and, for a long time, most popular theory regarding the composition of Greek fire held that its chief ingredient was saltpeter, making it an early form of gunpowder. This argument was based on the "thunder and smoke" description, as well as on the distance the flame could be projected from the siphōn, which suggested an explosive discharge.From the times of Isaac Vossius, several scholars adhered to this position, most notably the so-called  "French school" during the 19th century, which included chemist Marcellin Berthelot. This view has been rejected since, as saltpeter does not appear to have been used in warfare in Europe or the Middle East before the 13th century, and is absent from the accounts of the Muslim writers—the foremost chemists of the early medieval world—before the same period. In addition, the nature of the proposed mixture would have been radically different from the siphōn-projected substance described by Byzantine sources. 6park.com

A second view, based on the fact that Greek fire was inextinguishable by water (some sources suggest that water intensified the flames) suggested that its destructive power was the result of the explosive reaction between water and quicklime. Although quicklime was certainly known and used by the Byzantines and the Arabs in warfare,the theory is refuted by literary and empirical evidence. A quicklime-based substance would have to come in contact with water to ignite, while Emperor Leo's Tactica indicate that Greek fire was often poured directly on the decks of enemy ships, although admittedly, decks were kept wet due to lack of sealants. Likewise, Leo describes the use of grenades,[54] which further reinforces the view that contact with water was not necessary for the substance's ignition. 6park.com

Furthermore, C. Zenghelis pointed out that, based on experiments, the actual result of the water–quicklime reaction would be negligible in the open sea. Another similar proposition suggested that Kallinikos had in fact discovered calcium phosphide, which can be made by boiling bones in urine within a sealed vessel. On contact with water, calcium phosphide releases phosphine, which ignites spontaneously. However, extensive experiments with it also failed to reproduce the described intensity of Greek fire. 6park.com

Although the presence of either quicklime or saltpeter in the mixture cannot be entirely excluded, they were consequently not the primary ingredient. Most modern scholars agree that Greek fire was based on petroleum, either crude or refined; comparable to modern napalm. 6park.com

最终的说法是希腊火其实就是石油,根本不爆炸,说它含硝的说法都被证实是不靠谱的,世界上发现最早的唯一的火药是中国黑火药。 6park.com


贴主:王文清41于2018_11_18 15:31:10编辑

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