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嗯,怎么忽然想起“Eyes Wide Shut"里的台词
送交者: 程琴[布衣] 于 2014-10-25 10:27 已读 95 次 3 赞  


回答: 试着闭上双眸,用心去感受FAK,很快。。。。 由 5189168 于 2014-10-24 16:45

BILL: It's okay. It's okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I woke you up but I thought you were having a nightmare.

ALICE: Oh god. I just had such a horrible dream. What time is it?

BILL: It's a little after four.

ALICE: Did you just get home?

BILL (removing his shoes): Yes. It took longer...longer than I thought.

ALICE: You must be exhausted. Come on. Lie down. Lie down.

BILL: What were you dreaming?

ALICE: It was just, uh, just these weird things.

BILL: What was it?

ALICE: Oh, so weird. 

BILL: Tell me.

ALICE (sitting up): Oh. We were...we were in a deserted and uh our clothes were gone.

ALICE: We were naked. And I was terrified. (She begins to cry.) And I...

ALICE: ...and I felt ashamed. Oh, god.

ALICE: And, and I was angry because I thought it was your fault. You...you rushed away to go find clothes for us. As soon as you were gone it was completely different. I...I felt wonderful. Then I was lying in a beautiful garden, stretched out naked in the sunlight, and a man walked out of the woods. He was the man from the hotel, the one I told you about, the Naval officer. He, he stared at me and then he just laughed. He just laughed at me.

BILL: That's not the end, is it? 


BILL: Why don't you tell me the rest of it.

ALICE: No, it's too awful.

BILL: But it's only a dream.

ALICE: He, uh, he was kissing me. And then...

ALICE: ...then we were making love. Then there were all these other people around us, hundreds of them everywhere, everyone was fucking. And... (She cries.) And then I...I was fucking other men. So many, I...I don't know how many I was with. 

ALICE: And...

ALICE: ...and I knew you could see me, in the arms of all these men, just...just fucking all these men.
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