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Cheap means cheap stuff, not cheap cheap
送交者: 程琴[布衣] 于 2014-09-23 16:31 已读 130 次  


回答: Walmart guarantees the cheapest prices. 由 Dr.Tao 于 2014-09-23 16:19

The end of the isle items are cheap, usually not what customers need.  The sole purpose of these items are to get people into the isle, not to profit.  The mid isle items are a bit higher value, no longer cheap.  This is where they profit.  If you make everything like the end isle item.  It's not sustainable, because there no profit, and there's not a lot customers actually want to buy them.

The low price guarantee is benchmarked with other local stores.  It simply indicates Walmart can take same profit margin as other stores, that's all, nothing more.  Other stores have to profit as well, you know.
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