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送交者: hypatia[布衣] 于 2011-10-26 11:33 已读 13 次  


回答: 笑个 由 白糖糖 于 2011-10-26 11:27

顺便注意下摘要是哪个杂志的修回格式 www.6park.com

你这辈子都别想跳到这个高度啦! www.6park.com

Summary www.6park.com

Background In large-scaled and advancing hepatobiliary surgery practice nowadays, there are always fresh cases beyond the stipulated conventional category scope that not yet sufficiently feasible for diagnostic surgical hepatopathology, calling for its being updated. Hence, we investigated all 33,267 cases of surgically resected primary intrahepatic space-occupying lesions deposit in our single medical center’s archives during 27 years, both their clinical documents and pathological materials. www.6park.com

Methods We accomplished a systematic retrospective review on clinicopathology for all 33,267 cases of primary intrahepatic space-occupying lesions resected and diagnosed at the two single specialist centers during 27 years from January 1982 to January 2011. Pathological features of this single institution’s series are introduced and elucidated according to original materials in archives. Meanwhile, we finished relevant literature workups. www.6park.com

Findings. Based on above investigations, from diagnostic and practical view points, following biological natures and histological originations, 97 entities of primary intrahepatic tumors and tumor-like lesions, are further divided according to their histological originations. Co-continental (European-Asian) comparison has been done randomly and systematically, either. www.6park.com

Interpretation Our basic consideration is simply to put on the histological types of primary intrahepatic masses as comprehensive as possible. It will become prospective and necessary to improve this present histological spectrum of liver mass, toward more stressings on the phenotype-genotype associations, its predicative values of biological behaviors and clinical prognoses.

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