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任何:Here is a brief lesson for you -- ITI。。。 
送交者: 过客匆匆[布衣] 于 2012-04-04 22:17 已读 22 次  


"Ms" is not an abbreviation and is used to denote a woman, married or unmarried. During the Women's Liberation movement of the early 1970s, it was thought that it was biased to give a title representing a woman's marital status whereas men have a title that does not reveal this information. www.6park.com

I have been using "Ms" on letters to my female correspondents throughout my life in business world to avoid any possible problems. I hope this helps you to comprehend a little bit. www.6park.com

This is the most concise yet comprehensive and unambiguous explanation of the origin, background, and usage of "Ms." If you still cannot learn anything from this explanation, then you must be a genuine pig raised by a true redneck. www.6park.com


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