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送交者: 叔涵心语[♂★★声望品衔9★★♂] 于 2023-09-06 5:00 已读 6850 次 22 赞  


陈叔涵 2023年9月6日 6park.com

中共成立至今已愈百年,然而很多人对中共的本质始终没有看清,不但没有看清,甚至还抱有幻想。这,完全是中共七十多年来对老百姓愚民教化的结果。不得不说,中共的洗脑非常成功,它把中国专制社会几千年的愚民教育推向了极致:广大中国百姓明知自己在被愚弄,不但甘愿被愚弄且自己愚弄自己!打个不恰当的比方,潘金莲被西门庆睡了,武大郎不但不以为耻,反而大赞西门庆床上功夫好,且反复叮嘱潘金莲,千万要把西门大官人服务好,西门大官人能看上你,是我武家八辈子修来的福气啊,我武大郎赚大发了!不是有个笑话吗,说一个曾经与毛太祖跳过舞的女文工团员嫁人了,每次行房之际,其夫都会毕恭毕敬地宣誓:向伟大领袖战斗过的地方敬礼! 6park.com

由此可知,普世的人性、道德和伦理肯定不适用于中共,因为中共的本质是邪恶,尽管人性有邪恶的一面,但无数事实证明,中共是魔鬼般的邪恶,与人类之邪恶不是一个范畴。明白了这一点就不难理解,中共本就是戴着一副美丽面具的恶魔:最美的话被中共说尽,极端泯灭人性的事被中共做绝。人类文明史上最深重的灾难是中共制造的,人类文明史上最惨无人道的罪恶是中共犯下的,人类文明史上最丧心病狂的破坏是中共搞的……仅杀人数量一项,日军在南京的暴行以及希特勒的集中营,都不能望中共之项背。中共从来没拿中国人当人看,死多少都无所谓,毛太祖曾扬言,与美国打核战,中国可死三亿人,这该有多邪恶才会说出这种话?这是人话吗,绝对不是,这种话只能出自恶魔之口!中共最邪恶之处是,无论祸国殃民到何种程度,它都要以人民的名义来进行! 6park.com

中共邪恶的代表人物是毛太祖泽东。毛太祖邪恶的特征是:不惜一切把人民折腾得奄奄一息。关键是,他从来不说要把人民玩死,相反,他口口声声都说,要为人民服务。他时刻把人民挂在口边,而又无时无刻不把人民踩在地上摩擦。试问,还有什么比这更邪门的?毛太祖把古代帝王的驭民之术发挥得淋漓尽致,但归根到底就一条:不让百姓吃饱,吃三分饱就行了。因为他深知:百姓吃饱了会有想法,甚至会有很多想法,而让百姓饿肚子,百姓就只有一个想法:吃饱!时至今日,中共仍然把温饱当成是人权,实在可悲。我们不禁要问,猪也有温饱,狗也有温饱,而在毛太祖的时代,百姓连温饱都成问题,不就是说,百姓活得连猪狗都不如?用温饱来衡量人权,那人与猪狗区别何在?毛的邪恶不只是让百姓饿肚子,他做的更绝的是,不让百姓有思想,不让老百姓有思考的能力,老百姓只配做会说话的牲口。但是,老百姓说出来的话绝对不能与毛语录相抵触,这样,百姓必须先熟读毛语录以确保不因言获罪。因此,百姓说的话,无非就是重复毛的话,就像鹦鹉重复人话一样。这样一来,全中国八亿人口都说着毛的话,不能有自己的话语与想法。只有毛太祖一人有想法,因而在毛的时代,中国只有一个脑袋,就是毛太祖的脑袋,其余的脑袋都是摆设。 6park.com

以上所述只是毛太祖治国、驭民的邪恶原则,其具体的邪恶事实那就罄竹难书,在此不赘述。但被毛折腾致死的数以亿计的无辜生命,我们不能忘却,历史事实就摆在那里,不容忘却。 6park.com

毛太祖以人民的名义祸国殃民,那么,毛的后继者邓太宗比毛逊色吗,非也!毛太祖时代,中国人是会说话的牲口,邓太宗时代,中国人还是会说话的牲口,没有根本的区别,只不过套在牲口脖子上的绳子松了少许。为此,不少中国人都认为,邓太宗小平比毛太祖泽东仁慈多了,甚至还说,毛让中国人站起来,邓让中国人富起来。事实上,毛太祖时代只有毛一人站着,其余的人都跪着;邓太宗时代,只是一小部分权贵富起来,其余绝大部分人依旧贫穷。不得不说,邓太宗时代,中国人的生活水平的确提高不少,最起码,饿死人的事已不多见。但这不能说明,魔鬼的邪恶本性就改变了。只不过,邓太祖玩的比毛太祖高明些许,但他依旧是以人民的名义在愚弄人民、压榨人民。邓太宗自诩为中国人民的儿子,这让一帮愚民们兴奋不已,以为好日子不远了。谁承想,邓的所谓让一小部分人先富起来是一个彻头彻尾的大忽悠。现如今,那一小部分人富得留油而大部分人也只是求得温饱而已。这也正是邓比毛高明的地方,毛时代的人民猪狗不如,邓时代的人民如同猪狗,总算是进步一了那么一丁点。脑残们总是吹嘘邓太宗的改革开放取得了如何大的功绩,但他们从不思考,改革开放的果子到底被谁摘了?改革开放的结果是财富集中到了权贵以及与权贵勾结的一群人之手,而这正是邓所说的让一小部分人先富起来的真相。广大的人民永远也不会在共产党的统治下富起来,因为邪恶的共产党就是要挖空心思地将广大人民的财富共到一小部分权贵的手里。这,就是中国共产党的初心,中共的初心从来不变也永远不会改变!中共手中的枪杆子、笔杆子和刀把子都是中共用来攫取老百姓民脂民膏的工具,就是共老百姓的产,用当下时髦的话来说就是割韭菜,所谓不忘初心就是不忘共老百姓的产,也就是不忘割韭菜。最邪恶的是,中共一边大割韭菜,一边又高喊要为韭菜服务! 6park.com

邓太宗和毛太祖是同时代的人,邓是毛的跟班。邓太宗邪恶的程度与毛太祖并无二致,只能说二者实施邪恶的方式不同。就好比找女人,毛太祖是霸王硬上弓,邓太宗则是花言巧语兼之以糖果两枚,其结果都一样。毛太祖杀人是直接把人扔进翻滚的油锅而邓太宗杀人则是温水煮青蛙,结局并没有什么不同。只不过,由于邓毛二人的性格有所不同,故其邪恶的呈现方式随之有所差异。毛太祖霸道,喜欢吃独食,故毛太祖时代只有毛一人可以贪污、腐败,别人贪污、腐败就会招来杀身之祸,都说毛时代清廉、没有贪官,此大谬也。其实,不是官员们不想贪而是整个中国都已经被太祖贪下去了,不光贪下了整个中国的物质财富,就连整个中国话语权和思考权都被毛一人独吞了,谁胆敢从虎口里抢骨头?邓太宗精明圆滑,懂得利益共享、雨露均沾。他深知,这天下也不是邓太宗一人打下来的,参与打天下的功臣们都有资格分食天下,这就是所谓的打天下、坐天下。在古代是一个家族坐天下,现在是多个家族共坐天下,因而中共国的财富就掌控在200来个家族手里,这个圈子之外的人如果想进入,那就必须得到这个圈子里的大佬们器重,使出浑身解数跪舔大佬们,从而与这个圈子产生联系,如利益联系或是生殖器联系。否则,永无翻身的可能。无论你多努力,也无能你多聪明,到头来终究是草根。因为中共的邪恶本质,普世的逻辑在中共占主导地位的社会里只会被视作异端,一棍子打死。 6park.com

继邓太宗之后中共政权先后经历了江泽明和胡锦涛两个时期,其实也就是邓太宗时代的延续,也难怪不少人将中共国划分为三个时代,毛太祖时代,邓太宗时代以及习庆丰时代。虽然江泽明和胡锦涛都没有红二代血统,但是,他们能在中共的邪恶体制里脱颖而出,断然是被植入了邪恶基因的,不然进不了那个体制,即便勉强进入,也站不住,不会得势。尤其是江泽明,他疯狂迫害镇法轮功修练者,大肆活摘法轮功学员器官,可谓丧心病狂,其邪恶不亚于毛太祖和邓太宗。当下人体器官买卖猖獗,绝非偶然,而其始作俑者,正是江泽明。而江泽明之邪恶,也是以人民的名义施行,三个代表就是明证。由于江泽民和胡锦涛身上没有红色基因,他们只不过是中共国的大管家,因此,笔者不将他们纳入中共国的帝王谱系,但他们的邪恶却是一脉相承的。 6park.com

现在就来看看中共国集邪恶之大成者,庆丰帝或习哀帝。庆丰帝之所以成为中共集邪恶之大成者,那是因为他除了像毛太祖一样爱折腾之外还会如邓太宗一般爱忽悠和耍滑头,这还不算,他在中共邪恶的百尺竿头更进一步,把中共之邪恶推向了前所未有的新高度:抛弃常识和逻辑,使国家和社会彻底偏离正轨。习庆丰登基十年来的事实证明,论治理国家,他一无是处,被称习猪头,一点不冤枉;论抓权弄权,他乐此不疲且贪权成痴,为权癫狂。庆丰帝扬言要大力发展经济,但同时又罔顾济常识。世人皆知就业是经济最重要的一环,就业不景气必然导致消费乏力,消费乏力的结果就必定是市场萧条,经济无法正常运行。庆丰帝明知就业的重要性却大肆剥夺百姓的就业机会,出台一系列国安法、反间谍法,致使大批外资撤离,同时他又铁腕打压民营企业,导致民营企业纷纷倒闭。殊不知,正是外资企业和民营企业能为人民提供大量就业机会,但,吊诡的是,庆丰帝偏偏迫使人民失去这些机会……这只是庆丰帝抛弃经济常识的事例,至于他否定军事常识、外交常识和处世常识的事例,那就不胜枚举。最邪恶的是,无论庆丰帝如何抛弃常识和逻辑,他也总是以人民的名义祸害国家和人民,如,教学楼顶垮塌压死学生是为了人民,无预警泄洪淹毁民居和土地是为了人命,对人民狂征爆敛也是为了人民……总之,庆丰帝时刻把人民挂在嘴边:人民就是江山,江山就是人民,守江山就是守护人民,只可惜,依照庆丰帝的逻辑,打江山就是打人民……然而,适用于人类社会的逻辑永远不适用于魔鬼世界! 6park.com

由此可见,中共自诞生的那一刻起,每一个毛孔都充满邪恶,其在强夺国家政权之后就开始变本加厉,华夏大地被邪恶把持。正是由于中共邪恶的本质,就注定了中共灭亡的命运,时代变了,邪恶终究会被正义所战胜,这是上天决定的,即便是恶魔也会被上天降服。现如今,庆丰帝正带领中共在灭亡之途上狂奔,让我们拭目以待! 6park.com

The Essence of the Chinese Communist Party is Evil


Chen Shuhan September 06, 2023



It has been more than a century since the founding of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), yet many people have never seen clearly the essence of the CCP, and not only have they not seen clearly, but they even have illusions about it. This is entirely the result of stupidity of the common people by the CCP over the past seventy years or so. It must be said that the CCP's brainwashing has been very successful, and it has pushed the indoctrination education of China's authoritarian society in thousands of years to the extreme: the majority of the Chinese people know they are being fooled, but not only are they willing to be fooled, but also they are fooling themselves! To make an inappropriate analogy, lady Pan Jinlian was sexually assaulted by Ximen Qing, and her lawful husband, Wu Dalang, not only would not feel ashamed at all, but praised Ximen Qing for his excellent sexual performance, and repeatedly told Pan Jinlian: you must serve Mr. Ximen Qing to his satisfaction, you see, you can find favor in Mr.Ximen Qing’s eyes, which is the blessing my Wu family has cultivated for eight lifetimes, I, Wu Dalang, have made a huge fortune indeed! Isn't there a joke that a female civil servant who used to be Mao Taizu’s dance partner married a man, and every time before her husband made love with her, he would swear an oath respectfully: salute the place where the great leader ever fought!


From this, we can see universal human nature, morality, and ethics certainly do not apply to the CCP because the essence of the CCP is evil. Although human nature has an evil aspect, countless facts have proved the CCP is devilishly evil and is not in the same category as the evil of human beings. People all over the world say the CCP is the biggest bandit and triad organization in human history, a complete rogue and scoundrel, but I do not think so. Because whether they are bandits and triad organizations, or whether they are rogues or scoundrels, they are all made up of human beings. Although what they do is reviled by the world, they still have more or less humanity in them. However, the CCP does not belong to the same category when it comes to what they had done, have done, are doing, and will do. If the CCP had humanity and conscience, they would not be called CCP. Therefore, I would like to advise those who still regard the CCP as bandits and triads to stop insulting bandits or triads, and stop insulting hooligans or scoundrels, for the CCP is not worthy of them! After getting this point, it is not difficult to understand that the CCP is a devil wearing a beautiful mask: the most beautiful words are used by the CCP, and the extremely dehumanizing things are done by the CCP. The deepest disasters in the history of human civilization were made by the CCP, the most inhumane crimes in the history of human civilization were committed by the CCP, and the most heartless destructions in the history of human civilization were carried out by the CCP. ...... Just in terms of the number of people being killed, the atrocities committed by the Japanese army in Nanking and Hitler's concentration camps are not comparable to those committed by the CCP. The CCP has never treated Chinese people as human beings, and it doesn't care how many people die. MAO Taizu once threatened that China could lose 300 million lives in a nuclear war with the United States. How evil should one be to say such a thing? Are these human words? Absolutely not, such words can only come from the mouth of the devil! The most evil thing about the Communist China is, no matter how far it has gone in wreaking havoc on the country and the people; it is always claiming that they do so in the name of the people!


The representative of the evil of the CCP is Mao Taizu Zedong. Mao Taizu's evil was characterized by the fact that he would stop at nothing to toss the people to their deaths. The point is, he never said that he would play the people to death; on the contrary, he iterated, with every word, he would serve the people. He kept the people on his lips at all times, while all the way in practice, he did trample them on the ground and rub them against the ground at will. May I ask, what could be more evil than this? The controlling art of the ancient emperors in China’s history was played to the hilt by Mao Taizu, but boiling down to a single rule: not let the people eat full, just 30% full is well enough. Because he knew quite well: the people will have ideas when they eat full, and even many ideas; while letting the people starve, the people will only have one idea: to eat! To this day, the CCP still regards food and clothing as human rights, which is really a pity. We cannot help but ask, "Even pigs have food and clothing, and even dogs have food and clothing, while in the era of MAO Taizu, the people even had great difficulty in getting enough food and clothing, does it not mean that the people are living worse than pigs and dogs? If human rights are measured in terms of food and clothing, then what is the difference between human beings and pigs and dogs? Mao Taizu's evil was not only to let the people starve, but also to prevent the people from thinking, to prevent the people from having the ability to think, and to turn the people into animals that could only talk. However, the words spoken by the people could never contradict the Maoist Prospectus, so that the people had to familiarize themselves with the Prospectus first to ensure that they would not be condemned for their words. Therefore, what the people say is nothing but the copy of Mao's words, just like a parrot repeating human words. In this way, all 800 million people in China spoke Mao's words and couldn’t have their own words and ideas. Only Mao Taizu alone had ideas, and thus, in Mao's time, there was only one head in China, the head of Mao Taizu, as for the rest of the heads, they were just decorations.


The above is only the evil principles of Mao the great-grandfather of the CCP in governing the country and the people, as for the specific facts of his evil, it is too numerous to mention here. However, we cannot forget the hundreds of millions of innocent lives that were tortured to death by Mao Zedong; what’s more, the historical facts are right there and it can never be forgotten.


In the name of the people Mao Taizu wreaked havoc on the country and harmed the people to an outrageous extent, then, Mao's successor Deng Taizong was less bad than Mao in terms of committing evil?  Not at all! In the time of Mao Taizu, the Chinese people were talking animals, and in the time of Deng Taizong, the Chinese people were still talking animals, with no fundamental difference, except that the rope around the neck of the animals was loosened a little. For this reason, many Chinese believe that Deng Taizong Xiaoping was much more benevolent than Mao Taizu Zedong, and they even said Mao made the Chinese people stand up and Deng let them get rich. As a matter of fact, only Mao stood up in the era of Mao Taizu, while the rest of the people were kneeling down; in the era of Deng Taizong, only a small portion of the powerful and those attached to the powerful got rich, while the vast majority of the people remained in poverty. It must be admitted that during the time of Emperor Deng Taizong, the living standard of the Chinese people did improve a lot; at least, the deaths from starvation were rare. But this does not mean the devil's evil nature has changed; it only showed Deng Taizong played a little more skillfully than Mao Taizong, and he was still fooling and oppressing the people in the name of the people. Deng Taizong boasted that he was the son of the Chinese people, which made a group of fools excited, thinking the good times were not far away. Who would have thought that Deng's so-called letting a small group of people get rich first was a downright big lie? Nowadays, those small groups of people are incredibly rich while the majority of people are trying all means just to get enough food and clothing. This is exactly where Deng is superior to Mao, you see, the people’s life in Mao's time was worse than dogs and pigs, while the people’s life in Deng's time was like dogs and pigs, which was a tiny bit of progress anyway. Brain-dead people always brag about how great Deng Taizong's reform and opening up policy has achieved, however, they never think about who actually picked the fruits of reform and opening up policy. The result of reform and opening up is that wealth has been concentrated in the hands of the powerful as well as small groups of people in collusion with the powerful, and this is exactly the truth of Deng's claim of letting a small group of people get rich first. The vast majority will never get rich under the rule of the CCP because the evil CCP is trying all means to dig up the wealth of the vast majority and concentrate it into the hands of a small group of powerful and rich people. This, then, is the original intention of the CCP, and the original intention of the CCP has never changed and will never change! The guns, pens and knives in the hands of the CCP are all tools used by the CCP to seize the people's wealth, that is, to share the people's wealth, to cut leeks in the fashionable words of the time. The so-called not forgetting the original intention is not forgetting to share the people's wealth, in another word, not forgetting to cut leeks. The most evil thing is, while the CCP is cutting leeks, it is always shouting that it must serve the leeks!


Deng Taizong and Mao Taizu were contemporaries, and Deng was Mao's follower. The extent of Deng Taizong's evil is not much too different from that of MAO Taizu, and it can only be said that the ways in which the two carry out their evil are different. It is like flirting a woman, Mao Taizu is a bully while Deng Taizong speaks a flowery language with candy in hand, and the result is actually the same. In terms of killing the Chinese people, Mao Taizu was to throw them directly into a boiling pot while Deng Taizong was to boil them like frogs in warm water, and both come to the same end. Only, because of the difference in the character of Deng and Mao, the way of presenting their evil differs. Mao Taizu, domineering, likes to eat alone, so in Mao Taizu era, only Mao can be corrupt, other people are not allowed, or the disaster of death will fall on them. Most people said it was clean in Mao era, and there were no corrupt officials, which is a big fallacy. In fact, it was not the officials that did not want to be corrupt but the whole of China had been monopolized by Mao Taizu, not only the whole of China's material wealth, but even the whole of Chinese people's right to speak and think, who else then dared to snatch the bones from the tiger's mouth? Deng Taizong was shrewd and tactful, and was good at sharing the benefits with his colleagues. He knew the CCP got the regiment not by Deng Taizong alone, all the meritorious ministers who participated in seizing the power were qualified to share the regiment, which is traditionally called seizing the power and enjoying the power. In ancient times, it was a family that sat on the throne, but now it is multiple families that sit on the throne together, thus the wealth of the CCP regime is in the hands of 200 or so families, and if people outside this circle want to enter, they have to be valued by the bigwigs of the circle first, and then they have to make every effort to lick the bigwigs on their knees, so as to create a connection with the circle, such as a connection of benefit or a connection of genitals . Otherwise, there is no way for them to rise. No matter how good you are, no matter how hard you work, you are grassroots in the end. Because of the evil nature of the CCP, universal logic will only be regarded as heresy in a society dominated by the CCP, and it will be beaten to death with a stick.


After Deng Taizong, the CCP regime has gone through two periods, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, which are in fact the continuation of Deng Taizong's era. It is no wonder that many people divide the CCP regime into three eras, Mao Taizu's era, Deng Taizong's era, and Xi Qingfeng's era. Although Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao do not have the red genes in their blood, they can stand out from the evil system of the CCP, certainly they are implanted with a lot of evil genes, or they cannot enter the system, even if they barely enter, they also cannot hold their position steady, and will not gain power too. Jiang Zemin, in particular, had been persecuting Falun Gong practitioners and harvesting organs alive from them, such deeds can be described as heartless, thus his evil is no less than that of Mao Tazu and Deng Taizong. It is not accidental that the trade in human organs is rampant nowadays and Jiang Zemin is the one who started it all. The evil of Jiang Zemin is also carried out in the name of the people, as evidenced by his three representatives. Since Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao do not have any red gene in them, they are just the butlers of the CCP, therefore, the author does not include them in the genealogy of the emperors of the CCP regime, but their evils are inherited through the same continuous line which originated from Mao Taizu and Deng Taizong.


Now let's take a look at the CCP regime's mastermind of evil, Emperor Qingfeng or Emperor Xi Aidi. The reason why Emperor Qingfeng became the greatest master of evil in the CCP regime is that apart from being a tossing guy like Mao Taizu, he was also a liar and a trickster like Deng Taizong. Not to mention, he has taken one step further in the CCP’s evil endeavors and pushed it to an unprecedented new height: abandoning common sense and logic, and taking the country and society completely off track. The facts of the ten years in Xi’s rein since Xi Qingfeng ascended to the throne have proved that, in terms of governing the country, he is useless, and it is not wrong to call him a pig's head; in terms of grasping power and manipulating power, he has been happy and obsessed with it, and he is crazy for power definitely. Qingfeng emperor ever vowed to vigorously develop the economy, but at the same time he disregarded the common sense in economy. Everyone in the world knows employment is the most important factor of the economy, and a slump in employment will inevitably lead to a lack of consumption, and a lack of consumption will definitely result in a depressed market and an economy that cannot function properly. Qingfeng Emperor knew the importance of employment, but he deprived massive people of employment opportunities by driving away a large of foreign investors and factories through introduction of a series of national security laws and counter-intelligence laws, still, he didn’t forget to suppress private enterprises with an iron fist, resulting in a large scale closure of private enterprises and withdrawal of one foreign company after another. Who doesn’t know, it is foreign-funded enterprises and private enterprises that provide people with a huge employment opportunities, but paradoxically, Qingfeng emperor preferred to force the people to lose these opportunities...... This is just the example that Qingfeng emperor ignored the economic common sense, as for the examples of his denial of military common sense, diplomatic common sense, and common sense of handling ordinary life, that would be too numerous to list. The most evil thing is that no matter how Qingfeng Emperor abandoned common sense and logic, he also always scourged the country and the people in the name of the people. Such as, the roof of a school building collapsed and crushed the students to death, which is to benefit people, releasing floods without any warning to destroy people’s homes and land, which is for the people's interest, and even excessive levies and expropriations from the people are conducted for the sake of people too...... In short, Qingfeng emperor puts the people on his lips all the time: the people are the regime, and regime is the people, guarding the regiment amounts to guarding the people, just a pity that, according to the logic of Qingfeng emperor, fighting regime is fighting the people...... However, the logic applicable to human society never applies to the devil's world, that is, the CCP’s world!


As the facts indicated as above, we can see that the CCP is full of evil in every pore from the moment of its birth, and it began to intensify its evil after seizing power of the country, and the mainland China has been held by evil. It is precisely because of the evil nature of the CCP that the CCP is doomed to perish. Times have changed, and evil will eventually be overcome by righteousness, which is determined by Heaven, and even the devil will be subdued by Heaven. Nowadays, Emperor Qingfeng is leading the CCP to run wildly on the road to extinction, let us wait and see! 6park.com

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