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送交者: Sydney猫咪[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2021-08-04 20:13 已读 45 次  


回答: 你偏离了主题,当时可以说世界绝大部分国家都支持印度,问题是 由 Lv200 于 2021-08-04 19:10

再看看维基历史, 艾克SO SUPPORTIVE的字眼看到了吗?
In 1959, Dwight D. Eisenhower became the first US president to visit India to strengthen the staggering ties between the two nations. He was so supportive that the New York Times remarked, "It did not seem to matter much whether Nehru had actually requested or been given a guarantee that the US would help India to meet further Chinese Communist aggression. What mattered was the obvious strengthening of Indian–American friendship to a point where no such guarantee was necessary."[43] 6park.com

John Kenneth Galbraith (far left), as US ambassador to India, with President John F. Kennedy, Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India, 1961
During John F. Kennedy's Presidency (1961–63), India was considered a strategic partner and counterweight to the rise of Communist China.
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