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送交者: alyx[☆★站长★☆] 于 2020-06-11 10:09 已读 140 次  


回答: 写的非常好。我把它转发到我的社交网站上了 由 宋青书 于 2020-06-11 1:15

Some of my friends asked me yesterday how is the outcome of the revolution, seems like China is doing good today. Did they eliminate social class inequality? Maybe you will be asked the same question when sharing it. Here is some info. Today's China has Gini index between 0.53 and 0.55, higher than the 0.45-0.49 in the US and all European countries. A number >0.5 means the income or wealth distribution of a nation's residents is largely inequal. The party leadership team and revolution organizers are now the privileged class in China, who collect the majority of national wealth by controling the state owned businesses (private business is not allowed in key industries like energy, transportation, healthcare, media and more). Latest data says more than 50% (6 billion people) are living with monthly income less than $140. Other than the big window cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou (where homeless people is prohibited to be on the street) are open to foreigner tourist, many rural areas and villages in the west and central part of China, like my hometown, have no paved roads and tap water. When we look back, everyone agree the movement was nothing about social class inequality,  but simply asserting the control and power of the party to the country. However, it is too late and now Chinese cannot get rid of the control, as there are nationwide great firewall blocking internet access to foreign websites, controling all media, censoring any communications over social media, cameras everywhere, and backdoors on your phone to pull your data. Anything posted against the government and the party will be deleted immediately and the person who posted it could even be arrested. That was one of the reasons why Covid19 is now spreading from China all over the world.
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