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送交者: 变种人[♂★★★网络贵族★★★♂] 于 2014-10-08 15:02 已读 219 次 2 赞  


In a book in a box in the closet In a line in a song I once heard In a moment on a front porch late one June In a breath inside a whisper beneath the moon

There it was at the tip of my fingers There it was on the tip of my tongue There you were and I had never been that far There it was the whole world wrapped inside my arms

And I let it all slip away,

What do I do now that you're gone No back up plan, no second chance And no one else to blame All I can hear in the silence that remains Are the words I couldn't say

There's a rain that'll never stop falling There's a wall that I've tried to take down What I should've said just wouldn't pass my lips So I held back and now we've come to this

And it's too late now,

What do I do now that you're gone No back up plan, no second chance And no one else to blame All I can hear in the silence that remains Are the words I couldn't say

Are the words I couldn't say I should have found a way to tell you how I felt Now the only one I'm tellin' is myself

What do I do now that you're gone No back up plan, no second chance And no one else to blame All I can hear in the silence that remains Are the words I couldn't say

What do I do, what do I say And no else to blame All I can hear in the silence that remains Are the words I couldn't say

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