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3. Driveby-Neil Young Nei...
送交者: 吾滴爱沦[布衣] 于 2014-08-14 3:12 已读 144 次  


3. Driveby-Neil Young
Neil Young這位來自加拿大的搖滾老將年近古稀至今仍活躍在舞臺上,誓將把自己的一生獻給rock & roll,身體力行證明rock&roll will never die。這首個選自紀念科本的專輯sleep with angels

It's a random kind of thing
Came upon a delicate flower
I can't believe
a machine gun sings
Driveby, driveby,
driveby, driveby
Well he borrowed
his girlfiend's car
Went out riding with the boys
Now she's gone
like a shooting star
Driveby, driveby,
driveby, driveby
Now she's gone
like a shooting star
Trail of dreams
tragic trail of fire
Now she's gone
like a shooting star
Driveby, driveby,
driveby, driveby
Well you feel invincible
It's just a part of life
There's a feud going on
and you don't know
Driveby, driveby,
driveby, driveby

[ -- 来自果酱移动客户端 -- ]
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