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【深情表白】 TO 冈山的老虎 英文初学者版
送交者: 四海一家[布衣] 于 2013-08-20 22:23 已读 185 次  


Oh ! Okayama's tiger ,

You are my only true love .

I cant live without you !

Oh ! Okayama's tiger ,

I will make you my women !

I will kiss you eevernigh before you sleep ,

I will cook for you each sunset and sunrise .

Dont ignore my love to you , 

Let me kiss your hot face .

Let my hands travel on your wonderful body !

Let me love you , kiss you , touch you again , again and again !

Dont worry , i will do all the job , you just enjoy the moment .

I know , maybe 25 minutes is no much for you , but for me , 25 minute with you is like a eternity .

let me taste your delicious leg .

Oh ! Okayama's tiger , dont desprese my feeling .

my bigest wish is wake up each morning , and see your pretty face , then i can kiss your head slowly and touch your provocative body !

I have more thing want to told you , but my english is sucks .

so , now that is all i can say .

maybe future i will told you more more and more .


your lover [ four sea one house ]

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