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送交者: gobaobao[★品衔R5★] 于 2022-06-15 12:43 已读 502 次  


回答: 摊牌了:美国公开同意乌克兰割让领土 由 Wayofff 于 2022-06-15 6:37

https://www-state-gov.translate.goog/secretary-antony-j-blinken-with-judy-woodruff-of-pbs-newshour-2/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=zh-CN&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp 6park.com

QUESTION: Secretary Blinken, thank you very much for joining us. Let’s start with Ukraine. We know from what the Ukrainians themselves are saying, what the reporting is, that they are now being massively outgunned by the Russians. They say their weapons are not being replaced quickly enough or adequately; they don’t have close to the amount of weapons and ammunition they need. The tide has turned in Russia’s favor? 6park.com

SECRETARY BLINKEN: No, I think, Judy, what we’re seeing is a very intense fight in the Donbas, in eastern and also in southern Ukraine. There are significant causalities on both sides. It’s horrific, and it’s the result of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. There is a very intense effort that is ongoing as we speak to make sure that the Ukrainians are getting what they need, when they need it, to deal with the Russian aggression. And it’s not going to be linear. There are, tragically, ups and downs in this. And again, there are significant causalities on both sides. But there is a very, very significantly coordinated effort being undertaken to make sure that the Ukrainians get what they need when they need it, and that will continue. 6park.com

We’ve said for some time that, unfortunately, this is likely to go on for some time, and this is what we’re seeing on the ground. But there’s a big difference. The Ukrainians are fighting for their country; they’re fighting for their future; they’re fighting for their freedom. It’s unclear what the Russians are fighting for, except to advance the whims of Vladimir Putin and the bizarre belief that Ukraine is not a sovereign, independent country and needs to be subsumed somehow into Russia. So I am convinced and confident that, at the end of the day, Ukraine’s independence, Ukraine’s sovereignty will prevail and will be there long after Vladimir Putin has left the scene. 6park.com

But meanwhile, there is terrible death, there’s terrible discussion, and that’s the result of Russia’s aggression. We are determined that Ukraine get what it needs to deal with this aggression and ultimately to have a strong hand at any negotiating table that emerges. 6park.com

QUESTION: And right now, though, the Ukrainians say they are not getting what they need. What more can the U.S. do right now to help them? 6park.com

SECRETARY BLINKEN: Judy, it’s literally happening as we speak. Some weeks ago Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin put together a group of about 40 countries in Ramstein, Germany, to make sure that all of the assistance that Ukraine needs is being actively coordinated and getting in. That group of countries is working every single day to make sure it’s happening. 6park.com

But of course, there’s tremendous suffering on the front lines, on the battlefield. The Ukrainians are feeling that; they’re suffering from that. We’re deeply concerned by it, but we’re also working 24/7 to make sure that they get what they need. 6park.com

QUESTION: Well, what we’re hearing from experts, though, at the same time, is no matter how unfair or repugnant it may seem, that it is now appearing inevitable that Ukraine is going to have to make territorial concessions in the east. Is that what you see, that they are going to have to bow to Vladimir Putin and give him that territory that he says he wants? 6park.com

SECRETARY BLINKEN: Judy, Ukraine’s future is up to the Ukrainians. It’s up to the Ukrainian people and, ultimately, those decisions will be made by its democratically elected government, including President Zelenskyy. He will have to determine what’s in the best interests of his country, of his people, and we’ll support that. We’re not going to be less Ukrainian than the Ukrainians; we’re not going to be more Ukrainian than the Ukrainians. But it is fundamentally up to them. And that’s ultimately what this is about. Vladimir Putin is trying to take away from Ukrainians the right to determine their own future. We strongly support that right and we’ll look to the Ukrainians to decide what’s in their best interest.
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