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War is not that great at all.
送交者: 湖叶[♂☆★声望品衔7★☆♂] 于 2022-04-18 10:44 已读 382 次  


回答: 全世界盼望的顿巴斯的伟大战役已经开始!- 克雷米诺耶正在发生激烈的战斗! 由 HAmessiahuea 于 2022-04-18 9:24

People often imagine the environment as a colosseum. The environment chooses those who suit them, not the strong. It is the weak (the simple-minded) who suit their environment (and become part of the war machine).
War is not that great at all.
In order to adapt to the various war machines and try to be part of them, people are losing the ability to remain independent (especially to think independently) and their talents are diminishing generation after generation. War does not make us better.
People are divided into different prisons of the mind.
Not only are they used to these walls, but they are born into them. They feel secure as a brick in the wall, and they even enjoy it so much that they are willing to sacrifice everything for words like "glory" (or ironically, "freedom").
Modern finance is based on credit (trust in one's own system or government), so these wars of ideas are extremely important.
Money can generate money and it is not necessarily the elite. The one who born with power is not the smartest either.
The 1% is not necessarily capable of conspiracy, but it is easy to reach a tacit agreement.
10% often mistake themselves as 1%.
Be aware of the various slogans, including "freedom first" "my country first" "me first" "xxx(whatever it is ) first", “they evil, we justice”, "weeds rock the world" "we deserve it, let it end".
Why do we have to follow any of them or any other supposed prophecy?
If people keep ignoring their inner loss of themselves and unconsciously clinging to various images (e.g. the body) or concepts (e.g. the Holy Name), World War III and the end of the world is inevitable, and it may have already begun in Europe.
Water does not know that she is water, and darkness does not know that he is darkness. When a man is seeking the light, he is blinded by dreams of various lights.
Most serious or intense busy people are dreaming, while the awakened are at peace because they are comfortable with the darkness that does not know the ultimate truth.
All we need to do is to have faith in ourselves (our unknown true self), whatever it is, it is always there. (If there is an "author", some kind of ultimate power, it must always be there for us too).
Yet within every yang is always a yin, and every belief/hope is based on doubt/fear.
If you are already 100% sure of something, there is no need of a belief.
So the real ultimate war between light and darkness is within us, not outside.(If there is an everlasting war between light and darkness, it has nothing to do with races, nations, religions. It is a war between faith and fear, or hope and fear / faith and doubt.)
Mind yourself first. Loose both inside and outside light and dark.
Let it (mirror/darkness/inside) be. Let it (image/lights/outside) come and go.
Talk, even argue, don’t curse ,fight, even war.
(If necessary, for some kind of emergency, we can bet on a sports match. Every life is unique, not just a statistic.) 6park.com

The opposition of what can sense and what is sensed, the opposition of mirror image, the opposition of I and non-I, is called objectified thinking,which is growing up with self-knowledge,
both of which end up trapping us into a dilemma. Either be a miserable sensitive person or a happy ignorant beast. This is why drugs are everywhere(including digital ones and “spiritual” ones) . 6park.com

Every pair of eyes is different, and we see ourselves differently from how others see us. This is why we feel alone. 6park.com

The reflection of light takes time.
So we can never see us in the mirror as we are now, all we see is history. You have changed.
If the change is so rapid and you are so sensitive that you suddenly find a face in the mirror that seems to be a stranger whose facial expression does not match your current emotions, you too may go crazy.
Somehow we all lose ourselves. 6park.com

Clinging to any attachment (including concepts) such as the body, mind, thoughtless states, spiritual experiences, the Tao, God, Śūnyatā, etc., ........ that can never satisfy our desire to find the true Self or the real us. For they are all like images in a mirror, television set or other stage or platform. What we really desire is the 'mirror' and not 'any image', so how can we be satisfied? 6park.com

You don't have to do anything but realise that the real you or the true self is there all the time.
It's like you're looking for a horse on the back of a horse. Once you realise that you have been riding it from the beginning (or before the beginning) you will immediately stop looking.
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