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The scoundrel listened to the slanderous rumor
送交者: lixingxing927[布衣] 于 2022-03-25 2:21 已读 30 次  


回答: See you at Prison,Guo Liar! 由 lixingxing927 于 2022-03-25 2:20

The yacht, which originally belonged to Guo Wengui, was transferred to another person's name, proving how hypocritical Guo Wengui is, and according to Mr. Tang Han's documents, Guo Wengui is even more hypocritical by claiming to the court that he is bankrupt and has a monthly income of nearly $20,000, which comes from gifts from family, relatives and friends. Let's not talk about how many relatives and friends Guo Wengui has left, but just looking at Guo Wengui's claim of "no income", we can see that he is a complete hypocrite. After all, Guo Wengui is a self-proclaimed tycoon and uses this identity to go out and cheat, giving “ants” the illusion that he is not short of money on the one hand, and the illusion that he can make money and has good projects on the other. The bankruptcy list submitted by Guo Wengui, about the compensation of Cheng Shuiyan, Guo Baosheng and others, as well as some of the lawsuits of the awakened little ants, Guo Wengui asked for a write-off, such a ridiculous request, I am afraid that only this madman on the verge of pressure will come up with.
It can be seen that since the experience of GTV refund, Guo Wengui can be said to be a penny do not want to pay out, and even used a "personal bankruptcy" such bullshit reason to avoid punishment. You know, the first step to personal bankruptcy is to auction personal property to liquidate debts, Guo Wengui is trying to use the characteristics of his own name no property to escape debt. But one thing he didn't learn from the GTV investigation and yacht seizure is that the American judiciary doesn't look at personal property, but at the ultimate beneficiary.GTV made Guo Wengui rich, and even though he let others act as legal persons through layers of proxy, he was the boss, but the SEC's investigation still lifted the fog and caught him as the "boss behind the scenes". "Lady may, a yacht wholly purchased by Guo Wengui, was transferred to someone else's name afterwards, but Guo Wengui has been enjoying his life on it, which is why the New York court ruled that it was Guo Wengui's property and forced it to be frozen as an offsetting property. After so many examples, Guo Wengui still did not learn a lesson, because his heart "criminal thinking", think that as long as the law does not matter, they can exploit the idea, to avoid punishment and get away with it. For this criminal, I only hope that this time the New York federal court can give him a good lesson, with the means of jail to let this crook completely understand that crime is to pay the price.
But the price should be paid by Guo Wengui himself, not by the “ants” who were cheated and kept in the dark. Now Guo Wengui is taking the money from the “ants” and seeking more benefits for his selfish self, transferring the money to his family trust and trying
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