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——Final ruling in PAX case to be released soon
送交者: lixingxing927[布衣] 于 2022-03-25 2:15 已读 32 次 1 赞  


回答: and the cocoon will be bound by itself 由 lixingxing927 于 2022-03-25 2:14

Since March last year, the New York court ruled that all of Guo Wengui's property was frozen and used to offset the debts of PAX, Guo Wengui began to hide and transfer his property, in the face of the court's cross-examination, Guo Wengui has been ignoring the facts, denying and arguing, and even moving his children out as a shield to avoid paying his debts, the court froze all of Guo Wengui's property to offset the debt, but Guo Wengui kept filing appeals while blatantly disobeying the court order, not only refusing to pay the 18th floor, but even quietly driving LadyMay out of the U.S. in an attempt to hide and transfer her property, despite the penalty of a $500,000 daily fine. On top of the court, Guo Wengui always stirred up nonsense on the grounds that the property was not in his name, and even bit back at PAX, claiming that PAX had defrauded him, not knowing that such a joke could not help but put a big question mark inside even his own “ants”! Ironclad evidence still exists, the media revealed that Guo Wengui also presumed to package himself as a victim in front of the “ants” in an attempt to gain sympathy, and even compel the “ants” to launch an investigation into PAX, such poor acting skills can only deceive those “ants” with low intelligence. Even though Guo Wengui make every effort, contempt of court will not be able to erase the evil deeds.
On February 2, the PAX case was heard again, this hearing, Guo Wengui's daughter Guo Mei participated in the hearing, there is his father must have his daughter, from the court records released can be seen, Guo Mei's testimony inconsistent, contrary to common sense, illogical, completely get Guo Wengui scoundrel's true transmission. When the court was ready to release the entire record, Guo Wengui panicked and even made an absurd request to the court to keep Guo Mei's testimony confidential, how can the judge let you have your way every time. The release of the hearing transcripts will completely expose the ugly face of Guo Wengui and Guo Mei's lying and cheating. According to the transcript of the hearing on February 2, the judge will make a final decision on February 9 at the latest, while Guo Wengui is still calling on the “ants” to plan the so-called strategic counterattack, doing the last dying struggle, as a shield Guo Mei unexpectedly, suddenly petitioned the judge that the yacht LadyMay will return to New York as soon as possible. But even if the yacht can return to New York, according to the PAX side of the draft ruling motion to see, as long as the judge signed, Guo Wengui contempt of court is difficult to escape, compensation is inevitable, and even to pay a fine of 134 million to PAX within five days, the amount payable to PAX will continue to accumulate at the rate of $ 500,000 per day until Guo Wengui will return LadyMay to the jurisdiction.
It seems that Guo Wengui is about to pay a painful price for his lies and rogue behavior, with $116 million unpaid, and now $134 million to add insult to injury, as well as SEC settlement funds, etc. I believe that PAX, SEC, FBI, etc. have already surrounded Guo Wengui, who is already heavily indebted and strapped for cash, and when Guo Wengui stands firm with a clear head, he will be facing The cold prison door, this wandering in the world of fraud "down and dirty dog" will eventually be admitted to prison. After the judge's final ruling, Guo Wengui's defeat has been sealed, and his evil deeds will eventually come to an end. And those foolish “ants” who have been duped and are still obsessed, seeing the declining trend of Guo Wengui should also set out to justice and use the sword of law to e
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