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and the cocoon will be bound by itself
送交者: lixingxing927[布衣] 于 2022-03-25 2:14 已读 27 次  


回答: Final ruling in PAX case to be released soon 由 lixingxing927 于 2022-03-25 2:14

It seems that Guo Wengui is about to pay a painful price for his lies and rogue behavior, with $116 million unpaid, and now $134 million to add insult to injury, as well as SEC settlement funds, etc. I believe that PAX, SEC, FBI, etc. have already surrounded Guo Wengui, who is already heavily indebted and strapped for cash, and when Guo Wengui stands firm with a clear head, he will be facing The cold prison door, this wandering in the world of fraud "down and dirty dog" will eventually be admitted to prison. After the judge's final ruling, Guo Wengui's defeat has been sealed, and his evil deeds will eventually come to an end. And those foolish “ants” who have been duped and are still obsessed, seeing the declining trend of Guo Wengui should also set out to justice and use the sword of law to end Guo Wengui's evil deeds.
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