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送交者: scottfox2008[♂☆★★【流氓嵞】★★☆♂] 于 2022-03-04 11:50 已读 1396 次 5 赞  


当被问是不是怕死(战争中),他说每个人都有这样的恐惧。 “我是一个和其他人一样的活人,如果一个人不害怕失去自己的生命,或者自己孩子的生命,那么那个人有病!” 他补充说:“作为总统,我只不过没有权利去害怕”
他又说:“如果他不是总统,他会去上周领步枪当个志愿兵参战,也会面对各种风险,也许他会当志愿人员把食物分发给战士“, 他有自嘲他不会想很多人那样打得准。 6park.com

我想他说的没有一句说高大上,而是坦白的说我怕死,我不想死,但是我是总统,我不得不这样做。 再说就是不是总统,保不齐也死了。 6park.com

其实我们日常生活中也是如此,我不想如此辛苦的工作,我也想休息,我也想享受,可是我为了家人必须工作,必须承担责任。 不是我不贪图享乐,而是我没有权利贪图享乐。 不对吗?

Asked if he was afraid of dying in the war, he said everybody has such fears.

“I’m an alive person, like any human being,” he said. “And if a person is not afraid of losing his life, or the lives of his children, there is something unwell about that person.” He added, though, that as president, “I simply do not have the right” to be afraid.

If he were not president, he said, he probably would have joined the volunteers who accepted rifles when the military started handing them out last week, and so would be facing risks in any case. He said he might also have chosen to help by handing out food to soldiers instead. He quipped that, “I am probably not as good a shot as some other people.”

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