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送交者: 中纪委6哥[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2022-02-19 0:47 已读 1127 次  


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The 50th Army destroyed a British tank battalion and captured 227 people. Why did Zeng Zesheng repeatedly ask for verification?
2022-02-19 14:45 HKT 6park.com


The Second World War has proved that infantry is extremely vulnerable in front of tanks. There are many cases of a tank battalion or even a tank defeating an infantry division. The comparison of military strength on the European battlefield is actually the number of tanks.

British tanks were relatively unknown in World War II, but the quality of British tanks was by no means inferior to others. Until the 1980s, British tanks were still able to compete with the United States, the Soviet Union, Germany and other countries. Used to support infantry operations.

In the first two battles to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, the British Army and the Volunteer Army did not fight much, and because they had heavy tanks, they always felt that they had no chance to play a role. Otherwise, the United Nations Army would never be driven back to the 38th parallel by the Volunteer Army, in front of the whole world. a shame. For example, Ulster, the head of the Royal Rifle Regiment, once threatened: The combat power of the Royal Rifle Regiment can beat a division or an army of the Chinese army.

It should be said that the Ulster commander is very lucky, because his Royal Rifle Regiment is about to get an opportunity to "teach" the Chinese, and the opponent is the "weakest" unit in the Volunteer Army - the 50th Army. 6park.com


On January 3, 1951, the Royal Rifle Regiment encountered 2 battalions of the 50th Army in Biho. The British had 31 "Hundreds" heavy tanks. Are they still afraid of a group of peasant-born infantrymen who only had rifle grenades?

As a result, the British army's heavy tanks showed their prowess and fought an earth-shattering battle. The final result was that all 31 heavy tanks were destroyed or captured, more than 500 British troops were killed or wounded, and 227 people entered the POW camp of the Volunteers.

Isn't the 50th Army the weakest unit of the Volunteer Army? How can the British gentlemen who are used to bullying the weak be so powerful in fighting tanks, if they had known that the 50th Army was so strong, would they still need to fight? 6park.com


It would be correct to say that the 50th Army is the weakest. Before the Liaoshen campaign, this 50th Army should be called the 60th Army of the National Revolutionary Army, and it is the enemy of the People's Liberation Army. After Dongye captured Jinzhou, the 60th Army revolted in Changchun, joined the People's Liberation Army, and transformed into the 50th Army.

After the Changchun Uprising, Dongye did not discriminate against this uprising army. Not only did he carry out ideological transformation from top to bottom, but he also supplied a large number of weapons, equipment and soldiers to the army, which was much stronger than that of the Kuomintang.

Back then, Commander Zeng Zesheng tried his best to make some achievements, but at the same time he didn't dare to waste his strength too much, so as not to be annexed by the Central Army, and he had to deal with the officialdom carefully, which is really not easy to say. Compared with the situation on the Kuomintang side, Commander Zeng was naturally very moved, and he wanted to make contributions on the battlefield and repay the affection of the Communist Party.

Unfortunately, things backfired. After stepping on the Korean soil, the 50th Army did not even touch the shadow of the enemy in the first two battles, and came to an armed parade. After the first battle, President Peng scolded Liang Xingchu, the commander of the 38th Army, who had delayed the fighter plane, and even said the words of killing Ma Su with tears. 6park.com


As for the worse performance of the 50th Army, President Peng directly ignored it and did not scold it. But this made it even more difficult for the cadres and soldiers of the 50th Army to accept. Many cadres transferred from other military forces asked to return to the old army. Even Zeng Zesheng said that the army commander would quit his job and would rather go to the 38th Army to be a cook.

After complaining, the 50th Army paid close attention to the root causes of ideology, worked hard to overcome the shortcomings of the past, and determined to fight a turnaround in the next battle. The battle with the British army in Bitili was the turnaround of the 50th Army, which made this army enter the ranks of the strong army.

After the start of the third battle, the Volunteers quickly opened the battle gap and penetrated deep into the enemy's defense line. At 3:00 a.m. on January 3, the 1st Battalion of the 446th Regiment and the Division Reconnaissance Company of the 149th Division of the 50th Army were instructed to go out to search for the enemy and encountered the 25th Division of the US Army in Biti. 6park.com


The Americans had no intention of resisting, they ran faster than rabbits, and only allowed the volunteers to capture 28 prisoners. At this point, the mission of the 1st Battalion has been completed. If they turn to the defense in place, no one can blame them, but they chose to take the initiative to attack, because there are still enemies in front, they should fight.

At 5 o'clock, the 1st Battalion found that there were enemies on the 195.3 high ground. They were pinned from the front and flanked from the side. Only one charge was needed to solve the battle, killing 10 enemies, and the remaining 37 raised their hands to surrender. The soldiers of the 1st Battalion discovered that these prisoners were not Americans, but British soldiers.

It turned out that this was the defense area of ​​the 29th Brigade of the British Army, which was responsible for covering the retreat of the United Nations forces. When the U.S. fled, it was too late to notify the British, which caused the 195.3 Highland to fall into the hands of the 50th Army, which blocked the British army's retreat. The British were sold by the American teammates this time.

While scolding the 25th U.S. Division in a London accent, while calling in 16 planes to bomb, plus 7 tanks and 12 artillery pieces to help, the Royal Rifle Regiment of the British Army launched an all-out attack on the 195.3 Heights. 6park.com


The book "Decisive Battle of Korea" records that the encircled 1st Battalion of the Royal Rifle Regiment made a large-scale charge six times, but it could not break through the highland defense line of a company of 87 Chinese soldiers of the 50th Volunteer Army.

At 19:30 in the next midnight, all the cadres of the company except a deputy platoon leader died. Only 17 soldiers of the company were left to fight. Seeing that the position was about to fall, the 2nd Battalion of the 446th Regiment of the reinforcements rushed over. Here comes, blocking the escape route of the Royal Rifles.

More than a thousand people from the 29th Brigade of the British Army wanted to come back to rescue the Royal Rifle Regiment, and the 50th Army Blocking Force was firmly in front of them. The 29th Brigade wanted the U.S. military to help, but found that the Americans were running farther and farther, regardless of their own lives. 6park.com


"Decisive Battle of Korea" described in detail: "At night, the battle of the 50th Army to encircle and wipe out the Royal Heavy Tank Battalion began. On the mountain road, there were Chinese soldiers carrying blasting tubes and explosive packs rushing towards the 50-ton British tanks. Some The soldier was so close to the bombing point that he was shocked and vomited blood.

A soldier named Li Shilu carried an explosive pack and killed a "hundred-man captain" heavy tank weighing more than 50 tons, and he was also stunned by the explosion. After waking up, he rushed into a giant fire-breathing tank, which blew up the behemoth and spit fire everywhere.

This is not to mention, Li Shilu, who woke up for the second time, actually struggled to climb over and blew up the third small tank full of gasoline... After one night, the 31 tanks of the Royal Tank Battalion were all used by the 50th Army with the most primitive tanks. The means are done!

This battle became the heaviest loss of the United Nations Armored Forces in the Korean War. It was the first British army to invent and use tanks in the world. One of its ace armored units, the Royal Heavy Tank Battalion, was completely wiped out by the Chinese army. The Chinese army has so far annihilated foreign countries into the largest armored force. " 6park.com


The "Hundred-Man Captain" type heavy tank equipped by the British army has a total combat weight of 50 tons. Bazooka cannot penetrate its main armor, while the 50th Army does not have Bazooka. Destroying a tank battalion, many soldiers had never even seen a tank before, it was their extraordinary courage that allowed them to create this miracle.

Under such desperate play, the British collapsed, and 227 people chose to surrender, including a major. The Royal Regiment Regiment, which claimed to be able to defeat one army of the Volunteer Army, was defeated by two battalions, and the "Captain of Hundreds" heavy tank became a shame for the British.

When Mr. Peng heard the victory of the Battle of Bitili, he didn't quite believe it at first. In fact, Zeng Zesheng and the leaders of the 50th Army were also very suspicious. They repeatedly asked the troops to verify the results of the battle. The 50th Army is completely over. 6park.com


The enemy's remains, prisoners, and a lot of tank wreckage could not deceive anyone. The 50th Army confirmed that the victory was correct, and then reported it to Zhisi. The weakest unit of the Volunteer Army made the most brilliant record, and no one dared to underestimate the 50th Army from now on.

The 60th Army of the Kuomintang belongs to the army of the Yunnan warlords. Although the qualifications are old, they have made many achievements in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, but they are not very popular among the Kuomintang troops running rampant in the Huangpu lineage. After Chiang Kai-shek launched the civil war, he deliberately transferred the 60th Army out of the southwest to the northeast battlefield in order to weaken the strength of the Yunnan warlords.

Chiang Kai-shek urged the 60th Army to fight the civil war, but he refused to replenish soldiers and weapons, and was still trying to make the Communist Army and the motley army lose both. Zeng Zesheng and the 60th Army tried their best to make excuses, and ended up being nicknamed "Sixty Bears".

"Decisive Battle of Korea" recorded such an interesting story: the news of the Fifty Army's defeat of the British Army reached Beijing, and it is said that Mao Zedong laughed: "This army is under the command of a certain Jiang, and it is under the command of a certain Mao. That's fifty murders..." 6park.com


After the turnaround, the 50th Army has undergone qualitative changes, and Commander Zeng Zesheng naturally no longer wants to be a cook in the 38th Army. Not only that, the 50th Army quickly got the opportunity to fight side by side with the 38th Army, blocking the south bank of the Han River and covering the transfer of the whole army.

This was the key battle of the fourth battle. The U.S. military launched a frantic counterattack. The volunteers, who were almost out of ammunition and food, could only retreat to shorten the supply line. The 38th Army and the 50th Army were ordered to block the enemy on the south bank of the Han River. This kind of blocking war must arrange a strong force, otherwise the enemy will rush over and the whole army will be in danger.

The 38th Army of the "Long Live Army" will not have any problems, and the fact that the 50th Army can receive this task shows Peng Dehuai's trust in them. All the soldiers of the 50th Army were gearing up for their efforts, expressing that they would live up to the trust of President Peng and Zhisi, and would not let the enemy take a step. 6park.com


From January 25th, the 50th Army braved the fierce attack of the enemy's open space and ground, and held on until February 7th. At that time, there were no tunnel fortifications, and the soldiers of the 50th Army could only rely on ordinary fortifications of civil structures to fight. This was an extremely cruel positional battle. 50 excellent performance in the military, proving that he is completely worthy of the title of "the most lovely person".

As an uprising force, the 50th Army was not laid off or changed to a production and construction force after the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, and it still fought on the battlefield until the Sino-Vietnamese War and established new achievements for the country. If the 1st Battalion of the 446th Regiment hadn't taken the initiative to attack in Biho and annihilated the British heavy tank battalion, perhaps all this would not have happened.

Courage is the basis of all strategies, tactics and techniques. The enemy of the volunteer army has better weapons and more scientific training, but it is because of the lack of courage that the miraculous case of the heavy tank battalion failing to defeat the infantry battalion occurs.

"Decisive Battle of Korea" describes in detail the bravery and fearlessness of the volunteer soldiers, and makes the reader appreciate the cruelty and unique charm of war from multiple perspectives. The 50th Army is not a key force of the Volunteer Army, and it is an uprising force, but it has not been forgotten here. Every army and every soldier has fulfilled their responsibilities for the victory of this war!

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