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送交者: 中纪委6哥[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2022-02-19 0:40 已读 914 次  


Generals who died young among 36 military strategists
2022-02-19 14:39 HKT 6park.com


If they hadn't sacrificed prematurely, at least the founding generals, Zuo Quan and Peng Xuefeng might all be founding generals.

Xu Jishen, commander of the First Red Army, Anhui native, Huangpu Military Academy

Huang Gonglue, commander of the Red Army, Hunanese, Huangpu Military Academy 6park.com


Duan Dechang, commander of the Red Sixth Army, native of Hunan, Huangpu Military Academy 6park.com


Cai Shenxi, commander of the 15th Red Army, a native of Hunan, Huangpu Military Academy, and Army Wushu School 6park.com

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Zuo Quan, Chief of Staff of the Red First Army, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Eighth Route Army, native of Hunan, Huangpu Military Academy

Zeng Zhongsheng, political commissar of the Fourth Red Army and chief of staff of the Northwest Revolutionary Military Commission. Hunanese, Huangpu Military Academy 6park.com


Peng Xuefeng, commander and political commissar of the Fourth Division of the New Fourth Army and commander of the Huaibei Military Region. Henan, Nankai Middle School

Luo Binghui, the commander of the Red Nine Army Corps, the second deputy commander of the New Fourth Army and the deputy commander of the Shandong Military Region. Yunnanese 6park.com


Fang Zhimin, Chairman of the Military Commission of the Red Tenth Army and Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Commission of Northeast Jiangxi. Jiangxi native, Shanghai University (auditing), Jiangxi Provincial A-class Industrial School

Liu Zhidan, deputy commander and chief of staff of the Red 15th Army Corps. Shaanxi people, Huangpu Military Academy 6park.com


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