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送交者: 蔚小宝[品衔R2☆] 于 2022-02-12 12:10 已读 1303 次  





杰里米·史密斯(Jeremy Smith) 是来自密歇根州迪尔伯恩的曲棍球运动员,但他正在代表中国参加比赛。他告诉ESPN,为中国效力的条件之一是他不会放弃他的美国公民身份。




当被问及谷爱凌的公民身份时,她多次表示:“当我在美国时,我是美国人;当我在中国时,我是中国人。” 6park.com

Is China enforcing its own rule?

If Eileen Gu and other American athletes competing for China have in fact renounced their citizenship, they may enjoy the benefits of representing a new nation. But their legal, financial and logistical relationship with the country of their birth will have become infinitely more complicated.

Again, the IOC doesn’t have a problem with athletes having dual citizenship. The reason the issue has come to the forefront is because of China’s rule against it. The question is, whether they’re enforcing it.

Jeremy Smith is a hockey player from Dearborn, Michigan, but is competing in the games for China. He told ESPN that one of the conditions to playing for China was that he would not renounce his U.S. citizenship.

"They were like, 'Do not worry. We will not ask you. This is not what this whole process is about. It's about getting you qualified for the Olympics,' " he said.

Smith also told Yahoo Sports, “When I'm in China, I'm a Chinese. I'm supported by the Chinese, and I'm truly thankful for that. And when I go to America, I'm American.”

If you’ve been following the Eileen Gu story, that line of reasoning should be familiar.

“I’m American when I’m in the U.S.,” Gu has stated on multiple occasions when asked about her citizenship, “and Chinese when I’m in China.”https://sports.yahoo.com/eileen-gu-and-the-repercussions-of-renouncing-us-citizenship-123345918.html 6park.com

2022 Olympics: Eileen Gu and the repercussions of renouncing U.S. citizenship (yahoo.com)
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