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送交者: 老尅[♂★★声望品衔9★★♂] 于 2021-11-13 20:31 已读 524 次  


回答: 两架拉-11被美军击落,一直就没报道! 由 刀锋 于 2021-11-13 18:53

On 26 July 1954, two PRC La-7 piston fighters attacked two Navy VF-54 AD-4 Skyraiders from USS Philippine Sea (CVA-47) near Hainan Island in the South China Sea. The Skyraiders were searching for survivors of a Cathay Pacific Airlines DC-4 flying from Bangkok to Hong Cong, which had been shot down by PRC La-9 Fritz fighters near Hainan, with 18 passengers and crew aboard (including six Americans). Ten people aboard the airliner were killed. Other VF-54 fighters and an F4U-5N Corsair of VC-3 joined in the fight, and both Chinese La-7’s were shot down. A PRC gunboat also fired on U.S. aircraft, but there was no damage. 6park.com

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