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美国拍摄《Hold Back the Night》:陆战一师未全军覆没
送交者: 时间是个神[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2021-10-13 8:57 已读 965 次 1 赞  



影片以倒叙的方式讲述了二战时期的海军陆战队中尉、朝鲜战争时期的上尉萨姆携带的一瓶苏格兰威士忌的故事。他的女友安妮在1942年把这瓶酒送给了他,但告诉他要把它留给一个非常特殊的场合。她要求他在出征前娶她,但他不想冒险让她成为寡妇。在墨尔本休假的时候,萨姆遇到了凯蒂,并考虑与之交往,但当他得知她有一个可能是日本战俘或已经死亡的丈夫时,他离开了。当他回到安妮身边时,他厌恶地发现她已经有了一个少校作为爱慕者。然而,他们把事情弄清楚并结婚了。 6park.com


在朝鲜战争期间,山姆所在的海军陆战队第一师第七团第二营E连正在追击逃亡的北朝鲜军队,并期待着回家。然而,山姆被他的上司告知,中国人已经参战,所以他们将不得不进行 "战斗撤退"。萨姆被命令为该团提供侧翼保护。 6park.com


当天晚上,中国人以营为单位发动进攻,几乎占领了整个连队,但炮火把他们赶了回去。在接下来的几天里,撤退是一场伏击和损失不断增加的噩梦。他剩下的最后一名军官,库森斯中尉,也受了伤。最后,士兵们太累了,无法继续前进,所以山姆用他的那瓶苏格兰酒......作为激励,让他们重新加入他们的队伍。他们最终不得不放弃最后的几辆车,但自始至终,萨姆坚持不让任何一个伤员留下,即使他们不得不背着他们。在对付敌人的坦克时,萨姆被击中。一架美军直升机发现了他们,并能够疏散最严重的伤员,包括山姆。其余的人,连同托付给他们的瓶子,在埃克兰德中士的带领下到达友军阵地。他们安全了,萨姆就把苏格兰威士忌给他们喝,但是没有人愿意喝,觉得这对他们来说是一种幸运。这瓶酒被还给了萨姆,他还在为一个重要场合保存它。 6park.com


The film tells the story in flashbacks of a bottle of scotch carried by a World War II Marine lieutenant and Korean War captain, Sam MacKenzie. His girl Anne gives it to him in 1942, but tells him to save it for a very special occasion. She asks him to marry her before he ships out to the fighting, but he does not want to risk making her a widow. While on leave in Melbourne, Sam meets Kitty and considers a dalliance, but leaves when he learns she has a husband who may be a Japanese prisoner of war or dead. When he returns to Anne, he is disgusted to find she has acquired a major as an admirer. However, they get things straightened out and marry.

During the Korean War, Sam's Easy Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, First Marine Division, is pursuing the fleeing North Korean Army and looking forward to going home. However, Sam is informed by his superior that the Chinese have entered the war, so they will have to conduct a "fighting withdrawal". Sam is ordered to provide flank protection for the regiment.

That night, the Chinese attack in battalion strength and almost overrun the company, but artillery fire drives them back. The retreat over the next few days is a nightmare of ambushes and mounting losses. His last remaining officer, Lieutenant Couzens, is wounded. Finally, the men are too tired to go on, so Sam uses his bottle of scotch ... as incentive for once they rejoin their side. They eventually have to abandon their last few vehicles, but throughout, Sam insists that none of the wounded be left behind, even if they have to carry them. While dealing with an enemy tank, Sam is shot. An American helicopter spots them and is able to evacuate the most seriously wounded, including Sam. The rest, along with the bottle entrusted to them, reach friendly lines under the leadership of Sergeant Ekland. Once they are safe, Ekland offers the men the scotch, but nobody wants to drink it, feeling it has been lucky for them. The bottle is returned to Sam, who is still saving it for an important occasion.

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