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送交者: 神采[★★★声望勋衔13★★★] 于 2021-10-09 9:41 已读 24514 次 12 赞  


10-9-21 6park.com

大外宣英文比较烂,翻消息往往非常古怪。前两天美国为了控制全世界的芯片生产,命世界顶级的芯片生产公司填写由商业部长雷蒙多发放的调查表。其中列有13个涉及商业机密的问题。大外宣说,台积电董事长宣布不会透露“个别顾客的信息“,就是一个例子。为啥透露一部分顾客的秘密,只不透露”个别“的?令人费解啊。想一下才明白,是英文问题。董事长说的一定是“specific client info”,也就是“顾客的具体信息”,大外宣不懂,有时可以把specific翻译成”个别“,但这里只能翻译成”具体“。把马凉翻成冯京,不是故意的,确实是水平不够。 6park.com

不过,另一个报道就是造谣了。大陆攻击台独蔡的商业部长王美花反对台积电在这个问题上抗美,任由台积电被美国强迫交出商业秘密。看英文才知道事实相反,王部长表态支持台积电保守商业秘密。所以,美国方面的消息,要看英文原文。我早就发现,大陆消息陆媒比较可靠,美国的消息不可靠(比如天安门杀了一万人)。美国消息,美媒比较可靠,大陆的不可靠(比如台积电的事)。 6park.com

美国这是要掐住全球芯片产业链的喉咙啊。蕾蒙多部长学习中国的国家资本主义,干预市场是对的,但这次走的太远,犯了左倾错误。市场有自己的规律,芯片产业链错综复杂,美国政府不可能管好,从国税局IRS和美国邮局都管的一塌糊涂,看出美国政府没有高级管理能力。中国的管理方法是宏观调控。控制银行,控制电,控制能源,。。。,这些把市场经济装进了鸟笼,能做好事,但不会出乱子。共军中央党校应该开一个高级管理班,专收西方的总统,部长,教他们政府怎样控制经济,但又不过分。 6park.com

本来大陆单独抗美,这次台湾也加入了抗美的行列。跟民族英雄现代江姐孟晚舟有没有关系?难说。美国逼迫台积电交出商业秘密,民族矛盾就上升了,甚至压倒了国内矛盾。这对蔡英文省长是一个考验,日本入侵,民族矛盾上升,压倒了官匪矛盾,常凯申委员长就放弃了内战,搞起了国共合作,全面抗战。 6park.com

Taiwan's TSMC, after U.S. request, says it won't leak sensitive info

Thu, October 7, 2021, 4:35 AM·2 min read 6park.com

TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan chipmaker TSMC will not leak any sensitive company information as part of a White House request for details on the ongoing semiconductor crisis that has forced cuts to U.S. auto production, the company's general counsel said. 

  The White House made the request to automakers, chip companies and others last month. 

  Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said a voluntary request for information within 45 days on the chips crisis would boost supply chain transparency and that if companies did not answer the voluntary request "then we have other tools in our tool box that require them to give us data". 

  The issue has caused concern in Taiwan that companies like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd (TSMC), the world's largest contract chipmaker and a major Apple Inc supplier, would have to hand over sensitive data. 

  "Don't worry. We definitely will not leak our company's sensitive information, especially that related to customers," TSMC's general counsel Sylvia Fang said on Wednesday, in comments provided by the company on Thursday. 

  "Customer trust is one of the key elements to our company's success," she added. 

  "If this is to resolve supply chain issues, we will see how best we can do to help them. We have done so many things. For the part of auto chips, we've tried to increase output and prioritize auto chips to a certain degree." 

  TSMC, and Taiwan's government, have repeatedly said they are doing all they can to resolve the chip shortage. 

  Fang said they were still in the process of assessing the content of the questionnaire the United States has sent out for companies to fill in. 

  The U.S. government "found out that many companies have questions so they are preparing an FAQ, which will be released soon. We are waiting for that too and see if the FAQ can help answer questions". 

  Taiwan's government has said they respect U.S. commercial law and rules but will help Taiwanese companies if they receive any "unreasonable requests". 

  (Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore)

贴主:神采于2021_10_09 9:42:51编辑

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