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送交者: 三块硬盘[☆品衔R3☆] 于 2021-09-27 22:58 已读 1014 次  


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https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9881213/Unearthed-video-shows-naked-Hunter-Biden-claiming-Russian-drug-dealers-stole-laptop.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top 6park.com

==================== 6park.com


WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT  Hunter Biden claims Russian drug dealers stole another one of his laptops for blackmail while he was drugged out in a Vegas hotel room in 2018Video obtained by DailyMail.com shows Hunter with a naked hooker in 2019 after filming a sex tape and explaining how he believed his laptop was stolen Hunter left the camera rolling as he recounted a Las Vegas bender in which he spent '18 days going round from penthouse suite to penthouse suite'The incident would mean Hunter lost a total of three computers, each likely to hold sensitive information on President Joe Biden The laptops contain embarrassing pictures, videos and communications of the president's son  'They have videos of me doing this,' he said, referring to the filmed sex he just finished. 'They have videos of me doing crazy f***ing sex f***ing, you know'Hunter's claims also raise the possibility that he was targeted as a vulnerable conduit to Joe Biden as part of a foreign intelligence operation   
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