长津湖:不可一世的美军战俘给彭大将军恭贺新禧? | 多年后结局 令人叹息
| 多年后结局 令人叹息
POWs of the 1st Marine Division in the Battle of Chosin 6park.com 6park.com被遣返的战俘McLaughlin少校仍挎着绿书包 6park.com前文已论述美陆战1师的死亡人员统计 6park.comhttps://club.6parkbbs.com/nz/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=513796 6park.com和陆战1师的伤冻人员后送统计 6park.comhttps://club.6parkbbs.com/nz/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=518560 6park.com本文以” The Problems of U.S. Marine Corps Prisoners of War in Korea”一书附录G的逐日被俘人员名单为基础,论述美陆战1师被俘人员的一些情况。本文不包含美陆军、韩军、美空军的伤亡减员信息。 6park.com经查,美陆战1师在长津湖之战中一共被俘77人。其中37人被俘于11/29-30的Ambush of TF Drysdale in Hell Fire Valley。在20军《咸镜南道战役初步总结》中称为“乾磁开出击战”,现代中文常称之为“德赖斯代尔特遣队”阻击战。 6park.com据20军《战役初步总结》p6 ,“乾磁开出击战”中俘虏237人(其中重伤员被释): 美军+英军共179人,日裔3人,韩军55人。美军被俘人员中包含中校1名Chidester (被俘后死亡),少校2名McLaughlin和Egan(Egan被俘后死亡),AP记者Frank Noel等。“乾磁开出击战”双方损失将另文交代,由60师两名“华东一级人民英雄”毛杏表、寿志高均阵亡可见战场之激烈。 6park.com 6park.com下表列出美陆战1师37名被俘人员的情况,注意不包含陆军B/31人员 6park.com 6park.com下表列出美陆战1师其余40名被俘人员的情况。两表相加合计77人。 6park.com 6park.com少校John N. McLaughlin为陆战1师G3副参谋兼与第10军联络官。在Chidester 重伤之后McLaughlin主动成为临时指挥,据60师179团1营教导员沈灿与副教导员杨石毅称,其对McLaughlin展开喊话劝降;McLaughlin自称与两名生长于上海公共租界(买办?) 人士洽降。 6park.com经过一个月跋山涉水, McLaughlin这一路战俘于12月26日到达Kanggye江界的战俘营。据Montross Vol V p421,1951年底战俘2营的丁首长命令战俘们给彭德怀大将军恭贺新禧,McLaughlin组织抵抗运动,结果彭大将军遗憾未收到陆战队员的新年祝福。 6park.com“As 1951 was drawing to an end, the Camp 2 commandant, a fanatical Communist named Ding, ordered UNC prisoners to prepare and send a New Year’s greeting to the commander of the CCF, Peng Teh-huai. Major McLaughlin organized Marine resistance, and senior officers of other nationality groups followed suit.” Peng received No greetings. 6park.com1952年7月,McLaughlin组织越狱未遂。 6park.com“In July 1952, Major McLaughlin and two other Marine officers were involved in an abortive escape attempt at Camp 2. ” 6park.com1952年11月McLaughlin参加由总政的萧华策划的战俘运动会。(萧华还是大内拉皮条的一把好手,被彭德怀训斥后反手一顶”里通外国”的帽子让彭无法翻身) 6park.com 6park.com1953年5月,战俘代表McLaughlin竟与俘管处的总管王央公主任谈条件改善生活。 6park.com“McLaughlin was sent to the POW conference in Pyoktong during May 1953. While at that conference, McLaughlin confronted general General Wang Yang Kung, commanding general of all prisoner of war camps.” 6park.com1953年9月,停战后在“大交换” Operation Big Switch中McLaughlin被遣返,后于1954年1月获得“荣誉勋章”Legion of Merit for his exceptionally meritorious conduct while serving as prisoners of the Communists in Korea. 6park.comMcLaughlin伤愈后从事多项领导职务,1974年升至中将军衔。 6park.com同年,另一名长津战俘释放人员Ernest R. Reid获准将军衔,担任Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) 指挥 。 6park.com而后彭大将军于同年11月含恨去世,至死都没有收到陆战队的问候。 6park.comMcLaughlin于1975年8月担任陆战队太平洋战区司令Fleet Marine Force, Pacific (FMFPAC) 。McLaughlin的经历无疑令吴成德流泪、郑其贵沉默。 6park.com 6park.com长津战俘中有3人二进宫:Felix J. McCool, Frederick J. Stumpges, Charles L. Harrison都进过日军战俘营(死亡率33%)+解放军战俘营(死亡率38%),并且都活过朝鲜停战日。若是进朝军战俘营的话,这事就难说了。 6park.com 6park.com一个戏剧性的侧面是长津战俘中有19人于1951年5月获得“假释”。在前文“180师的溃散”中提到美7师TF Hazel于5月25日二进春川,造成179师无法为180师侧翼提供有力阻挡。 6park.comhttps://club.6parkbbs.com/nz/index.php?app=forum&act=threadview&tid=571598 6park.com当日TF Hazel在侦察机的引导下,派出3辆坦克在春川附近解救19名长津战俘。名单如下: 6park.com 6park.com此19人随某支押运部队从鸭绿江一路昼伏夜行至春川以北,目的为何不得而知。在宏大的第五次战役中,5月22日形势骤然逆转,押运人员为躲避迫近的美军炮火夺路而逃,19人一路向南并自制对空识别板引起侦察机的注意,从而结束了为期半年的战俘生涯。 6park.com“In May 1951, a group of 18 Marines and a U.S. Army interpreter found their way back to American control through a combination of fortuitous events and quick thinking. All of the Marines had been captured several months earlier near Chosin.” 6park.com- Montross p435, Appleman p538, Mossman p478 6park.com- NYTimes May 26, 1951 “U.S. TANK PATROL FREES 19 AMERICANS; 18 Marines and Soldier Had Been Prisoners of Chinese Since December Battle” 6park.com以上为美军陆战队被俘的情况。九兵团方面投入十余万人,亦不可避免有人员被俘。特别是12月6日下午,76师228团两个连在下碣隅里East Hill附近集结时,被断后的陆5团2营D连+31坦克连x排+攻击机的密集地空火力覆盖而迫降: 6park.com“We captured most of them around Hagaru-ri. When Murray captured that east ridge he got 200 in one fell swoop there, and we had others that we'd captured.” – OP Smith 6park.com据Smith称, 12月6日下碣隅里突围时,留下其中30名无法行动伤员和取暖、食物、药品: 6park.com“When we left Hagaru-ri, we took one of the buildings that was still standing, and put in it wood, rations and medical supplies, and put 30 of these people who were unable to walk in there, and left them. ” - Montross p290; OP Smith interviewed by Benis M. Frank, USMC Oral History Transcript p276
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