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“老毛病”翻译成“issue” 还是 “problem”?别假冒行家了。
送交者: 科普人[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2021-03-21 15:56 已读 1188 次 2 赞  


“毛病”一词翻译成issue还是problem? 本来这也不是什么大问题。对于毛病的定义个人理解不同,翻译也不一样,二者皆可。但是在中美谈判场合,issue 一词更加温和,符合外交辞令。可是有人偏偏“屎壳郎趴铁轨-假充大铆钉”,为了显示自己的英语高级,说中国官方翻译张京翻译成issue错了,应该翻译成problem,这就有点装逼了。 6park.com

俺也不想多说什么了,看看老美是如何区分这两个词的微妙区别吧。 6park.com

An issue isn't much of a problem, it's more an annoyance or a minor trouble.

An issue is smaller, not life altering, and it doesn’t present such a degree of difficulty that you have to seek out the counsel of others in order to figure out the impact of the issue. A problem is larger in scale, often large enough to alter your life either temporarily or permanently. A problem can easily require the advice and guidance of those around you, in order to solve it. 6park.com

Generally, issues are contentious points that are brought forth to be discussed and clarified; or in some cases cleaned up off the floor. In contrast, problems are difficulties that may, or may not, have solutions.
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