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Two years ago, something traumatic happened to me…
送交者: 一闪一闪眨眼睛[★话题终结者★] 于 2021-03-20 10:29 已读 967 次  


Two years ago, something traumatic happened to me… 6park.com

And, due to the horrific acts we witnessed in Atlanta this week and the increase in Asian hate crimes, I feel that I can no longer be silent. 6park.com

In March 2019, I was meeting up with a friend in Chapel Hill, NC, when I was jumped by three men. What I recall last, as they approached me, was hearing the words “You gonna try some kung-fu on us?” Shortly after, I found myself lying in a hospital bed, diagnosed with a large skull fracture. 6park.com

When I reported the incident to the police, it was dismissed as a “my word vs. theirs” situation. Two months later, in a local bar, I was approached by the same attackers, and told by one, “White people have power”. 6park.com

Aside from these acts of hate, I have genuine love for the town of Chapel Hill, NC. But, these events have left a lasting impact on me not only physically, but also mentally. 6park.com

Bigoted thoughts can turn into bigoted words, which can turn into "empowered" actions. And, what happened to me is just one of many stories of racial violence. 6park.com

As an Asian American and person of color, I have experienced the recurring theme of racism in America. 6park.com

We must all improve our commitment to diversity by acting on this topic. It always starts today. 6park.com

#stopasianhate #stopracism 6park.com





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