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送交者: ama218[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2021-02-15 2:44 已读 742 次  


新的研究发现,的更具传染性还是更弱。 6park.com




它们在全国各地各州被发现,目前还不清楚这些菌株是否更具传染性,但研究人员对此感到担忧。目前还不知道研究结果,  但有科学家担心这些变种比英国变种更麻烦。 6park.com

一位病毒学家说:"这种突变显然发生了一些事情。 6park.com

下面最新转载: 6park.com

Scientists concerned that 7 newly discovered US coronavirus variants could be more contagious


Scientists concerned that 7 newly discovered US coronavirus variants could be more contagious
不论是不是太迟发现,  (起码美国科学家们并没有试图在这些关键信息上掩盖, 而是拿出来分享了。)
它们在全国各地各州被发现,目前还不清楚这些菌株是否更具传染性,但研究人员对此感到担忧。目前还不知道研究结果,  但有科学家担心这些变种比英国变种更麻烦。
Scientists concerned that 7 newly discovered US coronavirus variants could be more contagious
a woman in a car talking on a cell phone: Coronavirus testing continues at the ProHealth testing centres in Jericho, New York on April 22, 2020.
Coronavirus testing continues at the ProHealth testing centres in Jericho, New York on April 22, 2020.
Researchers have discovered seven variants of the coronavirus from across the US, a study found.
It's not yet known if these variations are more transmissible than the original strain.  "There's clearly something going on with this mutation," a virologist said.  Visit the Business section of Insider for more stories.
Researchers have discovered seven variants of the coronavirus in the US, with a mutation in the same genetic letter, a new study found.
They were discovered in states across the country and it's not yet clear if the strains are more contagious, but researchers are concerned.
"There's clearly something going on with this mutation," Jeremy Kamil, a virologist at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Centre Shreveport, told The New York Times.
Kamil, the co-author of the new study, said that he was sequencing coronavirus samples when he noticed the new variants, which have mutations on the same amino acid. Scientists are worried because the mutations could potentially make it easier for the virus to enter human cells, the Times reported.

Kamil said the viruses all belonged to the same lineage, and after inputting the genome into an online database used by other scientists, he learned that there were scientists in New Mexico who also found the same variant with the same mutation.

The lineage Kamil detected dates back to December 1, and the samples from New Mexico date back to October, but it's unclear when these variants actually started. Samples from across the country have turned up with this variant but with limited genome sequencing, it's difficult to understand how prevalent these mutated viruses are.

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