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送交者: 大洋上空的鹰[★幽冥贵族★] 于 2021-02-05 2:29 已读 38 次  


回答: 中国政府一开始的确以为是真的细菌战 由 xxiaomatu 于 2021-02-04 9:01

愿意研究这个议题,也别偏听偏信,我也不是研究这个的,因为没什么意义,就借花献佛,稍微提供点滴,阁下有兴趣就看看,并不是要改变你什么,就是提供点多维度的视角,权当娱乐^-^ 6park.com

[5]Conard CCrane,“No Practical Capabilities”:American Biological and Chemical Warfare Programs During the Korean War,Perspectives in Biology and Medicine,Vol45,No2,(spring 2002),p242
[6]Report of the International Scientific Commission,1952:60;People’s China,Oct1,1952:38~41
[7]Stephen LEndicott,Germ Warfare and“Plausible Denial”:the Korean War,1952~1953,Modern China,Vol5,No1,Jan1979,pp87~89
[8]Stephen Endicott and Edward Hagerman,The United States and Biological Warfare:Secrets from the Early Cold War and Korea,Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1998,pp166~169
[9]New York Times,Aug15,1953;Canadian Far Eastern Newsletter,Nov1953
[10]Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,Cold War International History Project(CWIHP)Bulletin 11,Winter 1998;Peter Pringle,Did the US Start germ warfare?New Statesman,Oct25,1999;12,578;ABI/INFORM Global,p11
[11]Kathryn Weathersby,Deceiving Deceivers:Moscow,Beijing,Pyongyang,and the allegations of Bacteriological Weapons Use in Korea;Milton Leitenberg,New Russian Evidence on the Korean War Biological Warfare Allegations:Background and Analysis,CWIHP Bulletin,Issue 11,Winter 1998
[12]Peter Pringle,Did the US Start germ warfare?New Statesman,Oct25,1999;12,578;ABI/INFORM Global,p11
[13]Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman,A Higher Form of Killing:the Secret Story of Gas and Germ Warfare,London,1982,pp95~96
[14]“Biographical Sketches of Toyoda Group”,nd,circa June 1947,Ishii,Shiro,File201,Book I,Military Intelligence Section(G2),General Staff,Far East Command,RG331,NA
[15]Seymour Hersh,Chemical and Biological Warfare:American’s Hidden Arsenal,New York,1968,pp13~18
[16]Harris,Factories of Death:Japanese Biological Warfare 1932~1945 and the American Coverup,New York and London,1994,pp59,64~65,188,206~207
[17]Albert ECowdrey,The Medics’War,Washington,DC,1987,p219,nd24
[18]StLouis Post Dispatch,Dec22,1976;Toronto Star,Dec23,1976
[19]John WPowell,Japan’s Germ Warfare:The USCoverup of a War Crime,in the October/December,1980,issue of the “Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars”
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