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送交者: 星星星[★涨停板版主★] 于 2021-01-12 20:31 已读 2190 次  


右翼极端分子正在使用加密通信应用程序上的频道 6park.com

电报呼吁在1月20日对政府官员施加暴力 6park.com

日当选总统拜登落成,一些极端分子分享 6park.com

了解如何制作,隐藏和使用自制枪支和炸弹。 6park.com


这些消息被张贴在白人至上主义者的电报聊天室 6park.com

内容已免费共享了几个月,但这些频道上的聊天已 6park.com

自此之后,极端分子被迫离开其他平台,人数有所增加 6park.com

亲特朗普暴徒于1月6日围攻美国国会大厦。 6park.com


Telegram是基于迪拜的消息传递服务,几乎不会管理 6park.com

它的内容并拥有相当大的国际用户群,尤其是在 6park.com

东欧和中东。 6park.com


例如,在国会大厦袭击后的几天里,美国陆军野战手册 6park.com

劝诫“开枪打政治家”和“鼓励武装斗争” 6park.com

张贴在电报频道中,该频道名称中使用“法西斯”。 6park.com


防卫研究所Terror的研究主管Chris Sampson 6park.com

他的战略,战术和激进意识形态非对称项目说 6park.com

小组关注并关注该频道的用户,并已发出警报 6park.com

联邦调查局对此。 (TAPSTRI由NBC新闻恐怖组织Malcolm Nance经营 6park.com

分析师)。 6park.com


“当他们开始呼吁暗杀时,当他们开始呼吁暗杀时 6park.com

行动与共享信息,我们将其标记得更高一些。” 6park.com

桑普森“某些渠道只是交换信息,但后来它们加速了 6park.com

讨论要去哪里。” 6park.com

Right-wing extremists are using channels on the encrypted communication app
Telegram to call for violence against government officials on Jan. 20, the
day President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated, with some extremists sharing
knowledge of how to make, conceal and use homemade guns and bombs. 6park.com

The messages are being posted in Telegram chatrooms where white supremacist
content has been freely shared for months, but chatter on these channels has
increased since extremists have been forced off other platforms in the wake
of the Jan. 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump rioters. 6park.com

Telegram is a Dubai-based messaging service that does little moderation of
its content and has a sizable international user base, particularly in
eastern Europe and the Middle East. 6park.com

In the days since the Capitol attack, for example, a U.S. Army field manual
and exhortations to "shoot politicians" and "encourage armed struggle" have
been posted in a Telegram channel that uses "fascist" in its name. 6park.com

Chris Sampson, chief of research at the defense research institute Terror
Asymmetrics Project on Strategy, Tactics and Radical Ideologies, said his
group is focused on and concerned about users of the channel and has alerted
the FBI about it. (TAPSTRI is run by Malcolm Nance, an NBC News terrorism
analyst.) 6park.com

“When they start calling for assassinations, when they start calling for
action versus sharing information, we flag them a little higher," said
Sampson. "Some channels merely swap information, but then they accelerated
into conversations of where to be.” 6park.com

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