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送交者: jolly11[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2020-12-10 20:24 已读 114 次  


回答: 可以先看看这4个州是如何回应,是否挑战德州的资格。。 由 凌飞电脑 于 2020-12-10 14:19

宾西法尼亚:"Texas's effort to get this Court to pick the next President has no basis in law or fact." 6park.com

密西根:"the election in Michigan is over. Texas comes as a stranger to this matter and should not be heard here."
"The challenge here is an unprecedented one, without factual foundation or a valid legal basis" 6park.com

佐治亚:"Texas presses a generalized grievance that does not involve the sort of direct state-against-state controversy required for original jurisdiction," 6park.com

威斯康星:"extraordinary intrusion into Wisconsin's and the other defendant States' elections, a task that the Constitution leaves to each State."
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