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送交者: 追求真理无穷日[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2020-12-10 19:22 已读 1138 次 1 赞  


Dec. 10, 2020, 6:58 AM CST / Updated Dec. 10, 2020, 3:53 PM CST 6park.com

By Rebecca Shabad, Dareh Gregorian and Josh Lederman 6park.com

WASHINGTON — More than two dozen states filed motions with the Supreme Court on Thursday opposing Texas' bid to invalidate President-elect Joe Biden's wins in four battleground states, a long-shot legal move that Pennsylvania blasted as a "seditious abuse of the judicial process." 6park.com


"Overturning Pennsylvania’s election results is contrary to any metric of fairness and would do nothing less than deny the fundamental right to vote to millions of Pennsylvania’s citizens," the state's Democratic attorney general, Josh Shapiro, wrote in response to Texas GOP Attorney General Ken Paxton's bid to toss out the presidential election results in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia and Michigan. 6park.com



Shapiro's filing said, "Nothing in the text, history, or structure of the Constitution supports Texas’s view that it can dictate the manner in which four other states run their elections. 6park.com


"Nor is that view grounded in any precedent from this court. Texas does not seek to have the court interpret the Constitution, so much as disregard it," the filing continued, urging the court to "send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated.” 6park.com



Trump pins hopes on Texas election lawsuit as experts say it has no chance 6park.com

The Democratic attorney general of Michigan, Dana Nessel, noted in her filing that the claims in Texas' suit have already "been rejected in the federal and state courts in Michigan" and said the Supreme Court should follow suit or else find itself "the arbiter of all future national elections." 6park.com


Wisconsin pointed to Texas' argument that the Supreme Court's "intervention is necessary to ensure faith in the election." 6park.com



"But it is hard to imagine what could possibly undermine faith in democracy more than this court permitting one state to enlist the court in its attempt to overturn the election results in other states," said the state's Democratic attorney general, Josh Kaul. 6park.com


The response from Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr, a Republican, called Texas' action an "attack on Georgia’s sovereignty" that should be dismissed outright. 6park.com


A coalition of 23 Democratic states and territories also submitted a brief opposing Texas' bid, as did the Republican attorney general of Ohio, Dave Yost, who argued that what Texas was seeking "would undermine a foundational premise of our federalist system: the idea that the States are sovereigns, free to govern themselves." 6park.com


President Donald Trump met with several state attorneys general backing Texas' unprecedented legal bid at the White House — a move he sought to join Wednesday. The lunch with the attorneys general in the Cabinet Room, which was closed to the media, came a day after Republican attorneys general from 17 states filed a friend-of-the-court brief supporting the Texas lawsuit. 6park.com


The Texas lawsuit alleges that the four states changed voting rules without their legislatures' express approval ahead of the election, and it makes many of the same claims that have already been dismissed in numerous court challenges as Trump has tried to cling to power. 6park.com


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If the Supreme Court decides to act, it would need to do so soon — electors will officially cast their votes for president and vice president Monday. 6park.com


Meanwhile, Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., reached out to his GOP colleagues Wednesday on Trump's behalf, as well, asking them to support the lawsuit in an email with the subject line "Time-sensitive request from President Trump.” 6park.com


“President Trump called me this morning to express his great appreciation for our effort to file an amicus brief in the Texas case on behalf of concerned Members of Congress," Johnson wrote in the email, which was obtained by NBC News and confirmed by Johnson's office. 6park.com


"He specifically asked me to contact all Republican Members of the 
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