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Spirit of Lincoln Shines!
送交者: 小琴爸[☆★官小本事大★☆] 于 2020-12-05 18:45 已读 1154 次  


Robert David Steele  6park.com

EMERGING: Trump Triumphant, Deep State Down . . .Spirit of Lincoln Shines!

Cultural Intelligence

The original post got too clunky with over 400 entries. That history is easily viewable, sorted by date of publication, at https://******/PBI-Trump-Wins. The short URL for this post is https://******/PBI-Trump-Rocks.

SUMMARY TO DATE: The President laid a trap and the Deep State is toast. The evidence of all forms of election fraud is incontrovertible. This is now well past feloneous election fraud and into treason and sedition and potential death by hanging or firing squad.


Martial Law and the Insurrection Act are both on the table, and the media — both mainstream (eg AP, NYT, CNN, Fox) as well as BigTech are looking at life in prison if they don’t cut a deal. Whistle-blowers are emerging by the hundreds and plea deals are over-whelming the mediocre but marginally functional Department of Justice. I am expecting Republican legislatures in swing states to disregard the fraudulent vote and sent Electors to vote for Trump; if that does  not carry the day I expect the Supreme Court to accept a case based on statistics (as they did with school segration) and refer the matter  to the House where Trump wins in a special end of year session (current Congress) or new session (117th) in January. I believe Democratic “leaders” are under control after seeing what we have on them from NSA over the past fifteen years — never mind trial — releasing a fraction of that to the public will see them torn limb from limb by angry populists. I embrace Truth & Reconciliation. We should have a peaceful transition back  to law & order and an end to white collar crime.

5 December 2020

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