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白马山战役 我说说我观点
送交者: maddogs[♂★★★认真的青铜★★★♂] 于 2020-11-15 13:23 已读 13525 次 20 赞  


但如果看战役格局仅仅局限在一场大约万人级别。有非常多老兵们的回忆录佐证(中国投入10000-13000 人,所以伤+亡超过6000 是可信的,但很多宣传说伤亡破10000 那简直是可笑的。)
而真正的决战其实是将会发生在不远处的“上甘岭”,所以才主动放弃纠缠的。 6park.com

白马战役相对于整个战略来说,象征意味远大于实际意义(中美之间很少提这一战的,或许很像四行仓库那一战,象征意义远大于战略意义。只有韩国自己大书特书,自然还有些人割裂开战略来替韩国输一书)。无论联合国数据,中国数据,美国数据,其实整个韩战期间,韩国都是被吊起来打的,无论哪个数据看,抗美援朝期间,韩国都伤亡超100万人。我实在看不惯居然那么多人为韩国人招魂的,什么玩意! (而且战略上说,韩国也许永远失去了统一的可能性,开战权也不在自己手里。而中美从来没有为了韩战宣战过,这才是志愿军的来历。美中的这种默契,正是未来建交时互相的体面,小国寡民又哪里明白这些,还为这战沾沾自喜) 对于中美之间直接的博弈,过去那么多年了。我发一段美国人很想知道的中国对美军的评价。同时,也可以一个侧面看见美军对中国的评价。 6park.com

From what I gathered, the Chinese soldiers and officers were very impressed by the sheer fire power and logistical advantage American force enjoyed. 6park.com

PLA fought the Nationallist Army armed with American equipment in the civil war and found them to be easy cakes. 6park.com

But American force was very different. Not only the arms were better - more tanks and airplanes for example, the American soldiers were also a lot more tenacious than they expected. They didn’t collapse after they were surrounded, which usually happened to the Nationalist Army in the civil war. The American soldiers would dig in and call in air and artillery suppport. There were many cases where the American forces were surrounded for days but the American soldiers, sustained by air drops, continued to fight and eventually were saved by reinforcements. 6park.com

That being said, Chinese military reports also pointed out that American force usually gave up and surrendered once they were completely cut off from their logistics. Unlike the Japanese, American soldiers usually would not fight to the last man standing. 6park.com

PS: There is a Chinese joke about how bad the Nationalist Army of China really was: 6park.com

The PLA thought they knew how American force would perform because they have seen how the US-armed Nationalist Army performed in the Chinese civil war. 6park.com

The US force thought they knew how the PLA would perform because they have seen how the US-armed Nationalist Army performed against the Japanese. 6park.com

They both felt cheated. 6park.com

By the way, the Chinese Nationalist Army is the predecessor of the Taiwanese army. Anyone who believes a US-armed Taiwanese army has a fighting chance against PLA…Well, please read some history.
贴主:maddogs于2020_11_15 13:34:50编辑

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