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送交者: 千牛卫[★★无眠的人★★] 于 2020-11-08 13:35 已读 2388 次  


https://wach.com/news/local/scgop-says-election-is-not-over-yet 6park.com

COLUMBIA, SC (WACH) — Members of the South Carolina Republican Party expressed concern with the outcome of the presidential election on Saturday, after multiple news outlets called the race for Joe Biden.

SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick announced on Saturday that he didn't believe in the projected outcome of the election.

"Right now, the election is not over yet. The Trump campaign has made it clear they're investigating allegations of voting irregularities and fraud," McKissick said. "All legal votes should be counted, illegal votes should not."

SC House Representative Joe Wilson also asserted that the election wasn't over yet.[iframe][/iframe]

"The 2020 Presidential Election isn't over until every legal ballot is counted," Wilson said in a tweet.


[iframe]"[/iframe] 6park.com

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham expressed his disapproval of the outcome of the election as well.

"It is imperative that all credible allegations of voting irregularities and misconduct be investigated to ensure the integrity of the 2020 elections," Graham said. "Election outcomes are not determined by media outlets but certified, accurate vote counts."

The statement from Graham comes after the senator received a sworn affidavit from the Trump campaign from a postal worker in Erie, Pennsylvania.

The worker, Erie resident Richard Hopkins, alleges that post office officials devised a plan to backdate ballots mailed after the election.

Trump supporters gathered at the South Carolina State House soon after election results were announced to protest the outcome.



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