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送交者: 新右派[品衔R2☆] 于 2020-10-29 21:54 已读 80 次  


回答: 你怎么就没看到美国2018年又下调他们的数据呢?你知道为什么 由 add321 于 2020-10-29 21:21

For years after the war ended in 1953, the Pentagon published a figure of 54,260. That combined the 33,643 "battle deaths" with 20,617 "other deaths." 6park.com

But in 1989 the Pentagon began revising the totals because "other deaths" included U.S. military deaths worldwide during the three years of the war, rather than just those soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who died in and around the Korean peninsula. 6park.com

In the 1994 version of its annual publication, Service and Casualties in Major Wars and Conflicts, the Pentagon put Korean War battle deaths at 33,652 and "other deaths" meaning deaths in the war zone from illness, accidents and other non-battle causes at 3,262. That yields a total of 36,914.
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