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送交者: PRChina[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2019-04-02 16:47 已读 160 次  


回答: 呵呵,留园规定列参考吗?你瞪大眼看看,这里还有谁列参考了? 由 长岛风 于 2019-04-02 16:29

On 20 April 1949, HMS Amethyst, commanded by Lieutenant Commander Bernard Skinner,[8] was on her way from Shanghai to Nanking[Note 1] to replace Consort, which was standing as guard ship for the British Embassy there during the Chinese Civil War between the nationalist Kuomintang led Republic of China and the Communist Party led People's Republic of China. According to the Royal Navy, at around 08:31, after a burst of small arms fire, a People's Liberation Army (PLA) field gun battery on the north bank of the river fired a salvo of ten shells, which fell well short of the ship, and was assumed to be part of a regular bombardment of Nationalist forces on the south bank. Speed was increased, and large Union flags were unfurled on either side of the ship, after which there was no more firing from this battery. 6park.com

Initial damage and grounding
At 09:30, as the frigate approached Kiangyin (now known as Jiangyin) further up the river, she came under sustained fire from a second People's Liberation Army (PLA) battery. The first shell passed over the ship, then the bridge, wheelhouse and low power room were hit in quick succession, Lieutenant Commander Skinner was mortally wounded, and all the bridge personnel were disabled. The coxswain on the wheel, Leading Seaman Leslie Frank, was seriously injured and as a result the ship slewed to port and grounded on the bank before control of the ship was regained. Before the ship grounded, the order to open fire had been given, but when the director layer pulled the firing trigger, nothing happened, because the firing circuits were disabled when the low power room was hit.
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