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送交者: 爱逛动物园[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2020-06-17 12:00 已读 1935 次  


本周二美国商务部发布了五月零售数据,零售额比四月上涨17.7%高于普遍预测的8.4%,消费总量比去年下降6.1%。 6park.com

其中与四月相比,服装行业销售增长188%,运动休闲类商品销售上涨88%,机动车销售上涨44.1%,餐饮上涨29.1%。家具上涨89.7%,电器上涨50.5%。 6park.com


Sales jumped 17.7% in May, the Commerce Department reported Tuesday, following a revised 14.7% in April. The figure came in more than double the 8.4% increase expected by economists surveyed by Bloomberg.

All categories of sales posted gains in May, with the largest gain of 188% in clothing and clothing-accessories stores, followed by an 88% jump for stores focused on sporting goods, hobbies, musical instruments, and books.

Motor-vehicle sales jumped 44.1%, and restaurant sales — which had been hit hard by coronavirus lockdowns — surged 29.1% after a nearly 40% slump in the prior month.

Furniture and home-furnishings sales gained 89.7%, while electronics and appliance stores rose 50.5%. Despite the rebound, total spending remained 6.1% below pre-coronavirus levels on a year-over-year basis.

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