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送交者: alyx[☆★站长★☆] 于 2020-06-10 21:53 已读 1186 次 1 赞  



原创 一天到晚游泳的鱼 不再江湖 今天 6park.com







沉默的自由都没有:每个人要么全心全意地支持文化大革命,要么被送往农业地区的再教育集中营。对于那些归为走资派的人,例如地主,教师,教授,专业人员,富农和私营企业主,必须进行再教育。数以百万计的家庭被迫分开,许多人再也见不到面。在“再教育” 期间,有一百万人因为他们在斗争中受到暴力迫害而丧生。






My dear friends, 

As we have always said, history repeats itself. As a foreigner,  I have no intention to comment on what is happening today in the US, but I want to share you some stories about the tragic cultural revolution in China back to 1960s, where over 20 million people died, and 100 million people were persecuted during the decade-long political movement.

In 1966, Chinese Communist Party leader Chairman Mao launched a massive political movement called “cleansing the class ranks”, with a belief that there are the systematic inequality and life-and-death struggles among various social classes in China. Below are what had truly happened in China about 60 years ago.

•Rebellion was justified: The cultural revolution organization “Red Guards” believed any private business is evil thus should be burned, looted, and destroyed. Libraries, temples, churches, and even cemeteries were also destroyed. Rebellion was considered as a well justified way to confiscate private assets and accumulate a nation’s wealth in order to reallocate them to the lower social classes.

•Smashed police authorities and law enforcement: Red Guards reformed the rules and policies of law enforcement by allowing the authority of their origination members surpassed that of polices and law enforcement units. People were also encouraged to attack and smash their local law enforcement department in order to create turmoil in their communities.

•Shutdown academia: Red Guards believed traditional education and knowledge were the root cause of the social inequality and warfare. The more knowledge people have, the more reactionary they will be. Therefore, schools in the country were all ordered to permanently close, from elementary schools to universities. All teachers and professors were classified as the suspect social class and sent to re-education concentration camps. Millions of school-age youth more were forcibly displaced and moved to the countryside, where they were only allowed to take the propaganda teachings about class struggle. About 150K people committed suicides because they were not able to stand the psychological torture and losing hope for the future.

•Silence was never a choice: Everyone had to either wholeheartedly support the cultural revolution or been sent to the re-education concentration camps in agrarian areas.  For those from a suspect social class, like landlords, teachers, professors, professionals, rich peasants, and private business owners, re-education was mandatory. Millions of families were forcibly separated and many of them never met again. More than a million of people died during the “re-education” because they were violently persecuted, especially in the struggle sessions.

•Political correctness and the destruction of social order: A revolutionary fever swept China like a storm. Red Guards acted as the most prominent warriors to destroy anything they considered were inappropriate. Numerous historical sites and artifacts throughout the country were destroyed. Because of their extreme concern about political incorrectness, all the literary periodicals and books ceased publication. Four revolutionary model operas directly supervised by Red Guards were the only theatrical entertainment for the entire country. Every sentence in people’s daily communications with their friends and family members must start with Chairman Mao's Quotations. Without internet and phone censorship in 1960s, but Red Guards encouraged and rewarded people who reported their neighbors, friends, wife/husband, and parents for breaking the rules.

What I listed below are only some snapshots that had truly happened during the Cultural Revolution in China. Some of you may think the story is too ridiculous to be even possible. You are not alone, the decade-long period of social chaos caused by the political movement have such unfathomable brutality that many historians today still struggle to make sense of the craziness of people during the period. 

But, don’t forget, as memory fades, events from the past could become events of the present, right before our eyes.

May God Bless America!

Your Friend.

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