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送交者: AceOp[★品衔R6★] 于 2020-06-02 0:28 已读 75 次  


回答: 用了假钞的就是违法了,不管你是不是无意.在于有没有理由 由 地震 于 2020-06-02 0:01

谁也不是为了违法而超速,再说超速和用假钞没得比 6park.com

A person charged with using counterfeit currency may have one or more defenses available. As with all criminal charges, the prosecutor must prove every element of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt in order to obtain a conviction. In counterfeit currency cases, however, lack of knowledge and intent is perhaps the most commonly raised defense. 6park.com

As in the above hypothetical scenario, a defendant may argue a lack of knowledge that the currency was counterfeit. With such a defense, the defendant’s attorney attempts to persuade the jury (or the judge, if the case is being tried without a jury) that the defendant did not know that the cash used was counterfeit and therefore could not have the intended to defraud the recipient. If the counterfeit bills are poor quality forgeries, the prosecutor may counter the defense by asserting that the defendant could not have reasonably believed that the forgeries were legitimate bills. 6park.com

The prosecutor may also counter the defendant’s lack-of-knowledge defense by arguing that the defendant’s behavior indicates knowledge that the cash was counterfeit. For example, the prosecutor may introduce evidence that the defendant acted unusually when making the purchase with the fake cash. Such evidence may include witness testimony that the defendant acted nervously when making the transaction.
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