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送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-11-06 14:09 已读 304 次  


https://www.politico.com/news/2024/11/06/chinese-hackers-american-cell-phones-00187873 6park.com

怎么渗透的? 6park.com

It is not clear if the Chinese accessed the logs at one telecommunications provider or several, for how long, and whether they still retain access to it. The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that Salt Typhoon embedded itself inside some providers at least eight months ago. 6park.com

Those types of basic questions have proved exceptionally difficult to answer, and the uncertainty surrounding them is emblematic of what some believe is the bigger problem in the breaches: spotting an elusive Chinese hacking crew — and kicking them out. 6park.com

Salt Typhoon has embedded itself inside often-aging networking equipment, including routers and switches, that do not run the Windows operating system and are hard for digital forensics experts to probe, the second person said. The enormous size and complexity of the phone providers’ networks have exacerbated the work of spotting the Chinese, both people added. 6park.com

“It’s not a traditional compromise, it’s all this niche networking stuff,” the second person said. “It is hard to figure out how they landed there.”
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