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送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-10-31 9:03 已读 718 次  


西方开拓新大陆,杀光了北美土著。其他地方也是如此,不死人不成就事业。 6park.com

https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/21000-workers-dead-in-8-years-of-mohammed-bin-salmans-saudi-vision-2030-report-101730127065962.html 6park.com

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a prominent figure in the Kingdom has been leading efforts to transform the oil state into a global tourism hub. 6park.com

He has invested trillions in his ‘Saudi vision 2030 project,’ which includes ambitious developments like Neom, featuring innovative concepts such as The Line. 6park.com

New figures from ITV indicate that 21,000 foreign workers from India, Bangladesh, and Nepal have died since the launch of vision 2030, while Nepal’s foreign employment board has reported that the deaths of over 650 Nepalese workers remain unexplained.
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