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送交者: 哼!肥猫[♂★品衔R6★♂] 于 2020-03-29 11:44 已读 853 次  


英文不好自己找人翻譯下,懶得敲鍵盤了。 6park.com

 “Donald Trump's mental pathologies are making the coronavirus pandemic worse. His cult members and the right-wing media share and spread Trump's mental pathologies. A nightmare synergy and societal disaster. Trumpism is a public health crisis. 6park.com

"Trump is not a savior, but a human being with flaws. Trump's followers cannot even conceive of that fact. It cannot even enter their conscious mind because they will block it. If a person tries to explain reality to Trump's supporters, they will do anything to hold onto their fantasies about Trump and to follow his commands. 6park.com

Unfortunately, there is a dynamic where mental symptoms are contagious, and individuals start to have the same symptoms of the primary person — even though they usually don't have a mental health disorder. Mentally unwell leaders influence their followers to behave the same way...” 6park.com

“USA for too many years have piled trillions into defense... but it’s all on technology for traditional or cyber warfare. I am from the U.K. and live in Los Angeles and constantly hear Americans tell me they have the best healthcare in the world because they pay a premium on it through insurance... but all insurance means is you line the fat cats pockets and they don’t actually use their profits towards RnD, improving healthcare facilities, ordering a stockpile of equipment etc... these insurance companies take the money thinking they’ll only ever have to pay out at a minimum scale, as soon as millions all of a sudden need to cash in, the system crumbles, and crumbles way quicker and way more than a social healthcare system like those in Europe. I thought I’d be safer here but how wrong was I..." 6park.com

"This is so ridiculous! Governments are always ready to go to war with each other! They can send thousands of soldiers with best equipments to the other side of the world in less than 48 hours. In case of natural disasters it seems that everybody gets confused. Suddenly there is no equipments, no money nothing. It suddenly becomes a problem to ship resources etc. There is something very wrong with this system! So embarrassing!" 6park.com

贴主:哼!肥猫于2020_03_29 12:12:02编辑
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