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送交者: liuyuanfangke1[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2024-09-30 22:24 已读 367 次  


谢大使啊,这些倒粪的话就别没完没了说了。 6park.com

台湾是中国的一部分,没错,但两岸分治75年了,也是事实啊。 6park.com

庆祝国庆,本来是高兴事儿,但也等于庆祝(变相庆祝)中国分裂75年啊,伤不伤心? 6park.com

这就好比一个对儿老夫妻庆祝金婚,但他们50年从未在一起生活。那还庆祝个屁,有意义吗? 6park.com

现在的当务之急,是想办法统一,和平统一无望,就要渡海作战,不惜一切代价,要把计划生育、动态清零的气概拿出来。 6park.com

可你们现在连统一时间表都没有,唯唯诺诺,净打嘴炮,还要让我们这些海外华人等到什么时候? 6park.com

On the Taiwan question, FM Wang stressed that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. This is the history and the reality. Once and for all, UNGA Resolution 2758 resolved the issue of the representation of the whole of China, including Taiwan, in the U.N. It made clear that there is no such thing as “two Chinas,” or “one China, one Taiwan.” On this matter of principle, there is no gray zone or room for ambiguity. The complete reunification of China will be achieved. Taiwan will eventually return to the embrace of the motherland. This is the overwhelming trend of history that no one and no force can stop.

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