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送交者: liuyuanfangke1[☆★★声望品衔12★★☆] 于 2024-09-28 12:43 已读 497 次  


I block idiots to improve my threads, & often their followers. Sorry about that. 6park.com

Note; an idiot is someone with a specious argument, not someone who disagrees with the post. People with specious arguments don't know they have specious arguments. 6park.com

My argument above is not an invitation to wear masks to *improve* your health, rather that the antifragility argument favors wearing masks over not wearing them& is minsinterpreted by Covidiots. 6park.com

Fucking idiot one cannot use the precautionary principle naively and in one direction in the presence of serious tail risk. 6park.com

我屏蔽白痴是为了改善我的帖子,通常还会屏蔽他们的粉丝。对此我很抱歉。 6park.com

注意:白痴是持有似是而非论点的人,而不是不同意帖子的人。持有似是而非论点的人不知道他们有似是而非的论点。 6park.com

我上面的论点不是邀请人们戴口罩来*改善*你的健康,而是反脆弱性论点支持戴口罩而不是不戴口罩,这是 Covidiots 的错误解读。 6park.com

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