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送交者: 甲骨[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2024-07-30 11:41 已读 1177 次  


CIA Analyst Suggests U.S. May Consider Nuclear Action 6park.com

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern recently expressed concerns that the United States might resort to using low-yield nuclear weapons due to the increasingly desperate situation in Ukraine.

Drastic Measures 6park.com

In an interview with the YouTube channel "Dialogue Works," McGovern suggested that Russia is on the verge of a significant victory over Ukraine, which could push the U.S. towards drastic measures, according to Lenta.

According to McGovern, Russian forces are advancing more quickly than Western nations anticipated, leading to a critical situation for Ukrainian forces. 6park.com

In McGovern's view, Russia has all but defeated Ukraine. "And so the United States has a choice between a humiliating defeat and perhaps dropping one of these low-yield nukes," he conceded. 6park.com

He noted that an increasing number of Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering, indicating a shift in the conflict's dynamics.

Already Lost 6park.com

McGovern warned that within the next six months, Ukraine could face a peak of instability, potentially resulting in a significant collapse or confrontation as the country "plunges into the abyss." 6park.com

This perspective is echoed by retired American intelligence officer Scott Ritter, who also predicts an inevitable defeat for Ukraine. Ritter asserted that Ukraine has already lost the conflict, and the only remaining question is when the terms of its unconditional surrender will be announced. 6park.com


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